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2021 - Q4 McDougall United Church Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Quarterly Report
Rev. Bob Mutlow, Honorary Associate Rev. Bob Mutlow, Honorary Associate

2021 - Q4 McDougall United Church Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Quarterly Report

Mission & Service 2021 – The United Church of Canada

Gifts for Mission - - check out the M &S projects on the United Church of Canada website.

2022 McDougall Stewardship Campaign – Mission & Service

McDougall M&S Pledges for 2022 - $29,340.00 compared to $31,449.00 for 2021

Local Pledges for 2022 $339.738.00 as compared to $346.908 for 2021.

Noted at 2% drop in regular offering Pledges, 7% drop in M&S as some moved their M&S support to local

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