2022 - Q4 Operations Fourth Quarter Report, October to December  2022

The Operations Working Group met monthly on Zoom in the fourth quarter of 2022 and also prepared and led a preliminary 2023 budget discussion for Council Leads on December 6th.   

During this quarter, the core members of the Operations team consisted of myself, Joanne Pritchard (Lead), Joanne Anquist (Minister), Norma May (Treasurer) Mari Croizier (Convenor), Peggy Jorgensen (M&P Lead) and Barrie Clayton (Property Co-lead). Sharing the rotating role of Operations Member-at-Large this quarter were Alex Bradley, Marjorie MacRae and Bruce Munro.  Others who attended Operations meetings this quarter included Outreach and Social Justice Lead, Rev. Bob Mutlow, Rev. Danah Cox and Marilyn Bates, Member of M&P. The Record of Business Notes for the Operations meetings this year  can be found by following this link to the Operations folder in the shared Council Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IPGKZPnIVqosi79JpSzYnm0Y26s-1j5Y?usp=share_link

This quarter, McDougall’s Treasurer, Norma May, continued to provide oversight to the McDougall budget and monthly financial statements to Operations and those responsible for restricted funds to review. Norma has also attended webinars for United Church Treasurers where she receives timely updates such as the mandated annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and the increase in the mileage rates for ministerial staff.  It is a McDougall Operations practice that we apply this COLA adjustment to McDougall staff salaries on January 1 of the new year. 

As the 2023 Stewardship Campaign team appointed by Operations, Assistant Treasurer, Bruce Munro, Communication Coordinator, Sarah Reuangrith and I   developed the 2023 Stewardship Campaign package and related communications materials for the campaign that ran in October and November.  The pledges returned by many McDougall supporters provide us with a baseline for projected givings that is vital for the 2023 annual  budget development. Thank you to all who returned their pledge and volunteer forms!

This fall, Property Co-lead, Barrie Clayton, provided monthly updates of his ongoing research and negotiations for roofing repairs and an upgrade of our outside door security system. We are grateful to the McDougall Foundation for their decision to transfer funds needed for  the significant roofing repair as a capital expense. Many thanks to Barrie for his valuable time and expert attention to all aspects of McDougall property needs! 

In November, Rev. Bob Mutlow brought a recommendation to Operations that we re-consider our earlier decision to take down the Reconciliation Tipi when it is not specifically needed for reconciliation events.   He suggested moving the tipi a few feet back in the corner of the sanctuary so that to provide the required space for large concerts. This decision is still under review by Operations. 

This quarter, Ministry and Personnel Lead and M&P member, Marilyn Bates, conducted  a pandemic-delayed Annual Personnel Review. Peggy brought recommendations to Operations related to the staff reviews to the December Operations Meeting. Operations made decisions related to some of these recommendations (E.G. January 1 salary adjustments for continuing staff) while other recommendations will be included as part of the draft 2023 budget that will be  reviewed by the Leadership Council in January. Kudos to Peggy for all her hard work!

In the new year, Operations will continue to meet monthly on Zoom. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns related to the operational business of the church.

 Respectfully submitted

Joanne Pritchard  

Operations Lead/Council Co-chair   

To learn more about the Operations Working Group, please visit their webpage.


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