2021 – Q4 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –Oct 2021 – Dec 2021

Fall is generally a busy time in a church as programs start again and we get ready for Christmas.  We were able to hold some in person services and a few events during this quarter as Alberta’s 4th wave persisted well into the Fall, but COVID numbers began to increase at the end of December, so this restricted in person programming once again.


  1. We had planned to do a musical revue in November and did have a few rehearsals. However, Covid and other obligations of cast members meant that it wasn’t feasible to hold as a live event and so it was cancelled.

  2. Participated in the Stewardship Campaign in October. It was a simple campaign with “testimonials” from congregation members which I shared during the service.

  3. Participated in Right Relations training offered by our Right Relations Group – two evenings in October. Was a wonderful gathering of folk who are interested in moving forward building bridges with the indigenous community.

  4. Planned, participated in and edited a 25 minute opening worship service for Chinook Winds Region meeting with Global Partners.

  5. Attended the Friendship Club Christmas Dinner, held in the afternoon on December 16th. This was the first in person gathering for quite some time, and the folks appreciated the chance to be in person. Randy Stef (accompanist from Ogden) provided music and my table was called 2nd last again! Great to see everyone there!


  1. We welcomed our 2nd minister, Danah Cox to McDougall in October. Time was spent discussing our respective positions and how the workload at the church would be shared/divided.

  2. Attended Operations Working Group meetings. Continued to meet with Council Chairs once per month to discuss church and all that is therein!

  3. Met with Nik, a youth ministry student from Ambrose, who will be doing his 5 month placement with us over the summer. Nik is interested in McDougall because we are an affirming ministry. Danah will supervise Nik.

  4. Continued to meet informally with Lauren Harms, minister at Calgary Inter-Mennonite Church as a mentor for their ministry.

  5. Took a course through the United Church on Boundaries (2 hour) as I needed a refresher course for my certification. It dealt with boundaries around social media and the use of electronic communication in congregational ministry.

  6. Met weekly with Sarah, Communications Coordinator and Danah to discuss what needs to be communicated to the congregation and new initiatives that will get our message out.

  7. Did 3 month reviews for Sarah and Jen along with Peggy Jorgensen. So excited to have such capable and committed people on our staff.

  8. Held an all- staff meeting in November - four of us were in person and two were through zoom. Purchased a Facebook Portal which makes this kind of hybrid meeting possible.

  9. Presented a two-pronged vision for use of ministers’ time and anticipated programming for McDougall going forward. Essentially, I will be responsible for worship and care of the current Sunday morning congregation, and Danah will be focusing on families in the church as well as community engagement.

  10. Met with Danah and Bill as needed to plan worship services.

  11. Was able to have an in- person lunch with my caring contact, Janet Hansen, the first since Covid began.


  1. Our shared services with Ogden United Church continued in person and livestreamed until Christmas Eve, when COVID numbers rising contributed to the decision to have pre-recorded services for Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. Rev. Bill Weaver and I alternate preaching and presiding each week. When Danah joined us, he has also participated with contributions aimed at families, and reflections. Going forward, Danah will be responsible for worship every 6 weeks. We meet to plan services as needed.

  2. We had a series on Freeing Jesus, the latest book by Diana Butler Bass. Bill and I also hosted a Thursday evening study group to go with the series.

  3. Our Advent services used the book The Heart that Grew Three Sizes, focusing on The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. We had hoped to have a mid-week study as well, but supply chain issues meant the book could not be purchased in time, and registrations were low, so the mid-week portion was cancelled. The services included a segmented reading of the original book, music from the Grinch movies, old and new, and a sermon focusing on the themes of the book.

  4. A choir was brought together for the December 19th service (4th Sunday in Advent). Tanya practiced and rehearsed with the choir 3 times and I rehearsed with them once and conducted on the Sunday (so Tanya could focus on playing!) There was also a quartet which Tanya brought together.

  5. I directed a Play “The Christmas Guest” which was presented on December 19th (with choir anthems interspersed). Thanks to Tara Jorgensen, Peggy Jorgensen, Doug Berridge, Isabella Berridge, Bethany Weaver and David Schlinker for acting in the play. Thanks to Marilyn Agnew who beautifully sewed two shirts for the production and my friend Gail who provided most of the costumes. Because they were acting without masks in close quarters, each actor took a Rapid Antigen test before the service. They were all negative!

  6. Purchased an ipad mini so that background tracks could be added in worship. After a few glitches in getting a good connection, we were able to supplement our music accompaniment during a few worship services with this technology. Also purchased two sets of banners (Advent and Lent) that would work better with livestreaming/recorded services for the closer shots. We continue to adjust our technology and other things associated with online services and restrictions around COVID.

  7. The Longest Night Service was held on December 21st. Bill Weaver took the lead and I helped sing and preside. There were a few people who attended in person, but most attended through our livestream of the service.

  8. We provided the annual Christmas service at Lake Bonavista Village on December 22nd. Thanks to Jen Heidebrecht and Adam Schlinker for coming along to sing.

  9. As mentioned above, the decision was made to cancel in-person Christmas Eve services. We recorded them on December 23rd, well into the evening, to have footage for one Christmas Eve Communion service (instead of usual two) as well as the December 26th service. Thanks to Jen Heidebrecht, Cynthia Hironaka, Adam Schlinker, Shelley Petersen and Kostie Muirhead for singing in these services – it was definitely above and beyond the call! Thanks to the tech team, Barrie Clayton, David Schlinker, and Jake Bowe for sticking with us as we recorded. I compiled and edited the services and posted them to Youtube for viewing on Christmas Eve.


  1. Had meetings with Marilyn Evans about pastoral care concerns.

  2. Friday coffee group continued each Friday, except for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

  3. Officiated at the Wedding of Tanya Lawson (niece of Janet Hansen) and Graham Price. Tanya had stage 4 cancer so this was a particularly poignant ceremony and very much appreciated by “her people.”  Tanya has since died and her celebration of life will be held January 22nd at McDougall.

  4. Donna Paynter, a long time member of McDougall, died October 13th. Visited with her in hospital a few times before her death. Officiated at her celebration of life service on October 23, 2021 and interment of some of her ashes in the memorial garden on October 31. Really miss her. Marilyn Evans provided excellent and much needed pastoral care services to Donna’s family and her friends (members of our congregation).

  5. Officiated at a celebration of life for Maggie Kanizsai on November 19th. Her son, Chris, found McDougall by searching “celebration of life” and we were the first on the list.

  6. Anna Cameron, daughter of Kaylee and Kent, was baptized during the November 21 service. They had their daughter, Grace, baptized a few years ago.

  7. Made several phone calls and one hospital visit in December around Christmas


 Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist


2nd Annual Christmas Food Drive Thank You


2021 - Q4 Treasurer’s Report