2021 - Q4 Pastoral Care Fourth Quarterly Report: September - December 2021

Members : Esther Petersen (Chair) , Sharon Hudspeth, Shirley Wilding, Katie Mutlow, Lorna Herdman, Joan Johnston (Roll Clerk) 

We need more members in our committee.

The Pastoral Care Committee had Zoom meetings on Sept. 7, Oct. 6, Nov. 3, and Dec.1, 2021.

On September 12, 2021  the  congregation voted to hire 0.5 minister. Rev. Danah Cox will start Oct.1, 2021.

The Pastoral Care committee was very pleased with the dedication of Rev. Marilyn Evans and her experience and commitment to Pastoral Care at McDougall United Church. She regularly spent more than the 12 hours assigned. She did “prayers of the people” every 2nd Sunday during the church service.

She resigned early and her last Sunday was Nov. 14, 2021. She was recognized by the Ministry and Personnel, Pastoral Care and members of McDougall. 

With the kitchen still closed, especially with a broken dishwasher, the kitchen was unavailable for families who had funerals at McDougall.

The annual Fall Phone Out was held in October. Thanks to Shirley Wilding for again leading this important ministry. 30 phoners contacted 241 households, and Marianne Medhurst sent 10 notes. Rev. Marilyn Evans followed up on any concerns.

At Leadership Council meeting on Zoom on Nov.16  Rev. Joanne and Rev. Danah spoke about their plans to use their Pastoral Care hours at McDougall.

The Budget for Pastoral Care committee for 2022 was sent in. The revised budget was $2,900 in total.

Friends and concerned members of McDougall have continued to connect and contact other members of McDougall during the continuing COVID pandemic.

Rev. Danah Cox and Aileen Berridge and volunteers did Halloween and Christmas Messy Church activities. Rev. Danah has been doing activities with children and youth during church services.

December 19 the church service included a Christmas play and a choir.

Rev.Joanne and Rev. Danah are planning a lunch and in-person meeting on January 16, 2022 after church at 12:30 PM for anyone interested in helping with Pastoral Care at McDougall.

Due to the Omicron variant, Christmas Eve in-person services were cancelled and only online services were made.

Respectfully submitted,

Esther Petersen


2021 - Q4 Treasurer’s Report


Right Relations Events for 2021