2021 - Q4 McDougall United Church Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Quarterly Report

Mission & Service 2021 – The United Church of Canada

  • Gifts for Mission - - check out the M &S projects on the United Church of Canada website.

2022 McDougall Stewardship Campaign – Mission & Service

  • McDougall M&S Pledges for 2022 - $29,340.00 compared to $31,449.00 for 2021

  • Local Pledges for 2022 $339.738.00 as compared to $346.908 for 2021.

  • Noted at 2% drop in regular offering Pledges, 7% drop in M&S as some moved their M&S support to local 

McDougall Right Relations – Right Relations Witness – Marilyn Agnew

  1. Application for two United Church of Canada grants prepared by Shauna Kennedy were rejected. Appreciation extended to Shauna for her work and visioning in preparing the grant requests, which can be revisited in the future. A Third Grant Application - 2nd Harvest Grant – Canadian Government grant request for $60,000. 00 for a monthly food delivery to Morley Elders for December – May, hiring an Indigenous couple to haul the food – Reply expected prior to Christmas. 

  2. Right Relations Appreciation for McDougall Congregational Support in 2021– Marilyn Agnew noted these special initiatives:

    1. Food Drive was a huge success – list of specific food items and $25.00 gift card

    2. Call for Shoes (Un-Marked Graves) – over 80 pairs of shoes brought to the tipi

    3. Bottle Drive – over $700.00 raised for Right Relations 

    3. Annual Christmas Plans - Indigenous

  • It was agreed that the 4th Sunday of Advent – December 19 be a “Food Day” 

  • The Congregation will be given “Food Lists” and asked to fill a hamper bag for Urban Indigenous particularly in Acadia and bring the hampers to Hospitality Hall prior to worship

  • A Drive-By program will be organized by Aileen Berridge between 12:30 – 2:00 with food being brought to Hospitality Hall and collected into hamper bags 

Acadia Network - Acadia/Kingsland Up-dates – Community Social Worker Viviana Reinberg

  1. Acadia Pantry Plans – 2022

  • The highest number of users ever registered was the November Food Pantry with 43 households receiving hampers camper to 36 in October.  143 people were assisted compared to 111 the previous month.  The pantry is seeing more families with children

  • The next pantry on December 21 plans to provide a hamper with provisions for a Christmas dinner with a chicken and fresh greens, which have to be purchases as Spinz—a-round is closed for Christmas.

    2. Acadia Place – The new Director is involved in the Acadia Network, which is helping facilitate communications.

 Christmas Hampers – Ken Turnbull

  • Appreciation was extended to Ken Turnbull who has led this program for 13 years.

  • For 2021- to date - 13 hampers, mostly from Acadia Place are being prepared

  • Angel Tree online – 136 items were listed, 85 have been take

 Refugee Project– Marjorie MacRae

  • Fundraising appeal was very successful - $5500.00 raised going over the $5000.00 goal

  • Both Palestinian families are facing a challenging time and are barely surviving in their current situation of lack of work and lack of funding

  • Alberta Government ended children’s support after 18 months, a $700.00 monthly loss 

  • The Refugee Committee has become more political, reaching out to local MLA Minister of Labor, Tyler Shandro to address a number of issues confronting the families 

Habitat for Humanity – Jim Porter 

Work with Habitat for Humanity continues on the multifamily build in Silver Springs in NW Calgary.  Habitat has updated its COVID policy following the latest protocols.  All staff and volunteers will need to provide proof of COVID vaccination or subject to the testing as defined by Alberta Health. 

Calgary Interfaith Council

  • February 1 – 7, 2022- Celebrating the UN Interfaith Harmony Week in Calgary – plans include an opening on Monday, February 1 at City Hall and closing with an EthniCity catered dinner and program on Monday, February 7th.  Watch for details.

  • FCJ (Faithful Companions of Jesus) Retreat Centre – Socks for Alpha House Appeal

 Calgary Alliance for the Common Good

  • Appeal to City Council for Budget Inclusion of Indigenous Liaison Officers for the Calgary Police Force

 Outreach & Social Justice Funding Proposal

  1. Discussion Questions – Marjorie MacRae raised three ways of moving forward:

  • Continue with present model of fund raising for projects

  • United Way Approach - one general appeal

  • Hybrid United Way Approach – one time appeal naming the projects 

    2. Issues raised in the group discussion:

  • Financial appeals need to be spread out during the year to avoid donor fatigue

  • Annual Stewardship Program is the key Fall Appeal to fund the church

  • Christmas Hamper and Morley Christmas Projects are time sensitive – begin November 1

  • Strategy needed for future working together supporting the key projects of Right Relations, Refugees, Christmas Hampers and bi-annually – Feed The Hungry

  • Strategy of working together recognizes the need for contributors to fund particular projects

 3. Group Consensus

  1. Develop an educational program with different projects highlighted each month.

  2. Promote a Fund-Raising Calendar with Right Relations and Refugees making their appeals early in the year

  3. Fall Fundraising would focus on the Annual Stewardship Campaign in October and November and Christmas Hampers and Morley Christmas Projects early November

  4. Sharing Educational & Fund-Raising Approaches enabling individuals to be able to contribute to their passion or project.

  5. Focus for 2022 – Funding Right Relations


COVID Update: Online Services Only


COVID Update: QR Code is the only accepted method of Vaccine Proof starting Monday, November 15, 2021