2022 - Q4 Treasurers Report

The final quarter of the financial year is a busy time with the Stewardship Campaign, budget preparation for 2023 and  preparing the accounts for year-end review by the accountant prior to the Annual General meeting. Thank you to Bruce Munro,  Joanne Pritchard and Sarah Reuangrith for their work on the Stewardship Campaign. 

 Revenues at year-end were somewhat greater than budgeted and expenses were less than budgeted, resulting in the 2022 deficit ($552) being much less than budgeted. 

 Financial forecasting for 2023 will be shared at the upcoming Congregational meeting following Sunday service on February  22. 

To view the Financial Report please click here.


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (February 2023)


Youth Employment Opportunity