2022 - Q4 Leadership Council 4th Quarter Report

Submitted by Daren Patterson

During the final quarter of 2022 the Leadership Council held it’s quarterly meeting on October 25th. The council spent a majority of the meeting working on vision related discussions regarding the future of McDougall as we move into a post-pandemic world. Some of the questions for discussion included -What does a healthy McDougall United Church look like? as well as What do the core values of Strong Worship, Christian Education, Fellowship, Pastoral Care, and Outreach and Social Justice look like/sound like? This work will be helpful as we continue to examine the Vision and Mission Statements of McDougall United Church. 

We also had our first look at the proposed 2023 budget. This was followed up with a meeting on December 6th of Team Leads and interested Leadership Council members, where Bruce Munro and Joanne Pritchard shared the results of the Stewardship Campaign as well as the 2023 draft budget and 2024 projected budget. As a result of this meeting, it was decided to hold a congregational town hall meeting to be proactive about the future budget needs of our congregation. 

The next Leadership Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 at 7 pm on Zoom. 

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit their webpage.


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