2021 - Q4 Treasurer’s Report

The team of Treasurer, Office Administrator and External Bookkeeper met in September to discuss and refine the processes we are using to track income and expenses for McDougall United Church. We are moving to sharing cheque request information electronically between the Office and the bookkeeper. Also, a secure, larger mailbox has been installed at the West door of the Church to securely receive cheques. Thank you, Barrie Clayton, for the install in such wintery weather.

Cheques are produced every 2 weeks and that schedule has not caused any major disruptions.

Financial reports continue to be reported to the Operations Working Group monthly. With reduced staffing costs and government wage subsidy payments, there is not the expected deficit but a surplus overall at October month end. However, the Wage Subsidy program ended in October 2021.

Karen Chow, previous treasurer, provided figures to the Stewardship Committee for the 2022 Income and Expenses Forecast published in the 2022 Stewardship Campaign material. Thank you, Karen, for agreeing to continue in the budgeting role until the AGM in February 2022. 

In late December, Bruce Munro, agreed to take on the budgeting role for McDougall in 2022. He will be joining Karen in upcoming budgeting meetings as the 2022 Budget is finalized. Welcome to the team Bruce.

Respectfully submitted,

Norma May, Treasurer 


2021 – Q4 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –Oct 2021 – Dec 2021


2021 - Q4 Pastoral Care Fourth Quarterly Report: September - December 2021