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Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

September is such a busy month!  I used to think that when my children were grown, September would be a breeze!  But alas, Churchland is just like school and September brings all the hustle and bustle of a back to school season!

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Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

First an update on the Tent Trailer. I think it’s going to be okay! The roof was secured, the tires were changed. I’m feeling much better about my purchase. (We’ll see what I think after we take it out in August!)

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Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

This past week, I did a stupid thing. We have a fifth wheel that we use to camp with, but last year we sold our truck so we can’t pull it anymore (we’re gonna get around to selling the fifth wheel some day!) .

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Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

I love peonies. Big bold flowers that smell delicious and look marvelous. When Dave and I lived in Toronto, we had a peony bush that flowered twice in the summer – once early Spring, once closer to Fall.

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Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

As I look out my window today, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and some bird who must live on my roof is busy building something. After a few cooler days with gray skies, I welcome this burst of Summer!

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on the next big thing

Several years ago, I heard an interview with Paul McCartney discussing the early years of the Beatles. They had achieved some small success as a English “skiffle” band, drawing inspiration from American folk, blues, country and jazz classics….

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on thunder storms

As a child, I was terrified of lightning storms. I dreaded hearing one approaching. And when I did, I would go and hide out upstairs in my room until it passed….

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on making a fuss

All of us carry from our earliest childhood those principles and precepts that guide us through the complexities of daily behaviour. Some are trivial like, “Tuck in your shirt.” and “Wash your hands before dinner.” And some are rather more important like “Tell the truth.” and “Show respect to other people.” ….

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on PLU

We all need and appreciate PLU. (That’s “People like Us” by the way.) We surround ourselves with others who see the world through the same lens that we use. have the same fundamental beliefs that we hold, and enjoy many of the same things that we appreciate…

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on making judgements

One Sunday when I was at Knox, we welcomed newcomers to the community at the beginning of the service. Then some time later, one of these new members was set to be our scripture reader…

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on where we are

Things change. Most of us say that from time to time. And, on reflection, it does seem like a rather sensible piece of wisdom….

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on what we take with us

A friend of mine was having difficulty finding a book I had recommended, so I told him that the next time we got together for coffee—as we often do—I would bring my copy with me. And I had every intention of doing that.

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on finding joy: I remember having a guest yogi leading our class one day. And I must say that I enjoyed this particular individual’s style and demeanour quite well.

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Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on humour: Let’s think for a couple minutes about humour. But not in a particularly humorous way. Because at its roots, comedy arises from the mind’s desire to see and imagine ourselves and our world differently…..

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Rev. Grant Dawson Retirement Announcement
Rev. Grant Dawson Rev. Grant Dawson

Rev. Grant Dawson Retirement Announcement

I have enjoyed the past thirteen months working with the Red Deer Lake community. And this has been enhanced this year with the addition of new work colleagues and friends at McDougall and Ogden….

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