Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on the next big thing

Several years ago, I heard an interview with Paul McCartney discussing the early years of the Beatles. They had achieved some small success as a English “skiffle” band, drawing inspiration from American folk, blues, country and jazz classics. But they felt lost; they were waiting for the next big trend which they could copy to put their careers on a firmer track. However, they had no idea what the upcoming popular wave would be. So, somewhat reluctantly, they decided just to write their own songs until the future arrived and they could cash in on it. It was only then, as Paul described it, that they discovered that the next big sound was theirs. 

So often in life we feel that success or fulfillment can be found by imitating others. We see people doing something we admire in some field of interest we have and suppose that if we try to be like them, we too shall be successful. Right now, for example, how many young girls are out there re-forming themselves into pale duplications of Taylor Swift?

But real success at any age in life comes, not when we desperately try to copy others, but when we draw from our own inner talents and dreams and style to create ourselves at our best in whatever situation we are. The secret is not to spend too much time looking around to see what others are doing, but rather to ask, “How would I do this?” “What do I feel is right here?” “What is my heart saying?” “What insights and ideas has my experience given me to deal with this situation?”

So, let’s make each day not just about duplicating the past, or living up to the expectations of others, but rather about bringing our dreams to the table and our experiences to the fore in our lives with a style and flare that are our own, a gift from God.


A Prayer 

Help me, God, to be myself today.

May I be able to throw off the constrictions I have foolishly put on myself in the past, or have allowed others to force on me.

May I feel open to bring my ideas to the table.

May I live my values and follow my path.

May I be aware of and responsive to the needs of those around me, while, at the same time being true to my own heart.



Affirming Series: Community BBQ


Summer Office Hours