Holiday Information: Closure, Services and Email Blast

Office Closure: Please be advised that as in past years, the office will be closed over the holidays. The office will be open for regular hours on Tuesday, December 24th from 9 until 4 pm and after that will be closed until the new year. The office will open back up on Tuesday, January 7th. Regular office hours will then resume (Tuesday through Friday from 9 - 4 pm).

Services: The Longest Night Service (a gentle service particularly for those who find Christmas difficult, especially those who are grieving) will happen on Saturday, December 21st at 7 pm . We will have two services on Christmas Eve, a family service at 4 pm and one at 7 pm. Regular Sunday services will happen on December 29th as well as January 5th at 10:30 am.

Email Blast: There will be no email blasts while the office is closed. That means no email will go out on December 27th and January 3rd. Please get your announcements in by December 19 at noon to get them out before the holidays. Email blast will resume on January 9th. You will continue to receive a Sunday email throughout this time.


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