Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist

As I look out my window today, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and some bird who must live on my roof is busy building something.  After a few cooler days with gray skies, I welcome this burst of Summer!  Next week, we might even make it to 30◦ which is my favorite temperature!  This day is a classic beautiful Alberta day!

Not only that, but today (July 2 when I’m writing this!) Calgary’s indoor water use can return to normal!  Yay – here comes that 20 minute shower I’ve been longing for these past four weeks (well 3 for me because I was in London when this all began!)  Laundry that has piled up, not so great…but still – good news and a sunny day are all I need to experience joy to it’s fullest!

But just the other night, I was out in my yard looking up at the sky, and there were two distinct weather systems moving in different directions, it seemed.  We were in for a storm, that was clear.  And yet, in that moment, there was beauty to behold, even as I shivered a bit as we (I say we, but I really mean Dave, my spouse!) made preparations to shelter vulnerable plants and stow what isn’t waterproof, the dark skies allowed a ray of sun to peak through and the moment was stunning.  There was joy in that moment, as I sat in the present, amazed at the power of the wind and water.

The past few weeks in Calgary, we’ve begun to understand what it means to have a clean and dependable water supply – I know you folks who live on acreages, or depend on other water suppliers probably learned that a long time ago.  But for me, water has been taken for granted.  Even though this was sometimes tough over the last few weeks, I know it’s nothing compared to the struggles of others who don’t have access to consistent clean water.  When I looked at the Boil Water Advisory Map for Canada, I was shocked to see the number of communities that are affected across the country.  When I added them up, over 1,000 communities in Canada are under Boil Water Advisories.  61 Reserves are under long-term boil water advisories.  And I was moaning about my 3 minute shower!  Sometimes, even our tiny struggles, give us perspective to see the bigger picture, to empathize and to adjust our behaviour so that all share in the bounty and beauty that is the gift of our planet Earth.

I sometimes wonder if we aren’t just a bit miserly about our joy.  We too often save our thanksgiving and wonder exclusively for the best of times – I know I am a lot happier when things are sunny and the future looks bright. It takes a lot more effort to “find joy” (my mantra) when things aren’t going well and you’re afraid of being soaked or caught in a thunderstorm!  But God calls us to live in hope – to know that it will all work out in the end – and if it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end (to quote a line from the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel).  We weather the storms together.  We enjoy the sun together.  We find joy in little sacred moments where God shimmers and light defies the darkness. And most of all, we learn from our struggles, our mistakes and our griefs.

This summer, as you enjoy the vicissitudes of Alberta weather, as you turn on those taps and clean water pours out, as you find places to rest and enjoy your time off, take a moment to breathe in, to experience the now, to know that, rain or shine, God is good, and we are family.  We’re all in this together.  May joy find a way.

God of sun and storms, of struggle and triumph, of pain and promise, give us eyes to see the sacred in every part of life.  May we give thanks, even in the moments that seem dark and cloudy.  May times of sun and warmth restore our souls.  Water us with joy!  Amen


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Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (July 2024)