Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on where we are

Things change. Most of us say that from time to time. And, on reflection, it does seem like a rather sensible piece of wisdom. After all, life around us and within us does reshape itself constantly, presenting us with new experiences, new jobs, new relationships, new understandings. Even the most normal of days contain moments of the unexpected. We must just learn to put up with change and to deal with it.

But then there are those occasions of monumental alteration that we can’t pass through so glibly—a difficult prognosis from our doctor, the loss of a job, a long geographical move, the death of a friend. Such events can shake our self-confidence and our very understanding of what our life means and how we live it. How do we deal with these major new situations? How do we continue to exist in a world where “normal” seems to have disappeared almost completely?

Such times call for us to remember Jesus’ promise of new life, and to begin to take that phrase—and the faith that stands behind it—a little more seriously. We need to view such changed circumstances not as threats that will destroy us, but as new situations into which God has inserted us to think new thoughts and do new things. We may have lost a friend on whom we have always relied, but we have been given new people from whom to seek support. Our surroundings may be different, and even our physical and mental skills may have changed, but our ability to love and hope will still guide us even here. The future may not be as clear as we once thought it to be, but we know in our hearts that we are people who can learn to thrive.

The moment in which we find ourselves now, no matter how different it may suddenly seem to be, is indeed still a time when God is with us. So here too we are not alone.


A Prayer 

God of all times and places, there are situations ahead of me that I cannot fully understand. There are problems to which I cannot see easy answers. There is grief or guilt that I am finding difficult to handle. 

These I place before you now. Strengthen in me that sense of your presence that will allow me to walk in these situation expecting your wisdom and help always.



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