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COVID Update: April 21, 2022
Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister Rev. Joanne Anquist, Lead Worship & Service Minister

COVID Update: April 21, 2022

Out of an abundance of caution, and considering the current increase in COVID-19 cases and resultant hospitalizations in Alberta, we have determined it is prudent for us to continue masking during worship services.

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COVID Update: Church Opening March 6, 2022
Sarah Reuangrith Sarah Reuangrith

COVID Update: Church Opening March 6, 2022

McDougall United and Ogden United will once again offer in-person services starting on March 6, 2022 at 10:30 am. Attendees will be required to wear a mask, social distance, and are encouraged to sign in upon arrival for tracking purposes should someone become ill.

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COVID-19 Measures “Moving Forward Cautiously” -October 2021
Daren Patterson, COVID-19 Relaunch Coordinator Daren Patterson, COVID-19 Relaunch Coordinator

COVID-19 Measures “Moving Forward Cautiously” -October 2021

McDougall continues to follow all Provincial and municipal health orders that relate to Places of Worship as well as the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP). Complete details of these orders can be found at

Although the provincial pandemic guidelines updated in mid-September permitted places of worship to be open at 1/3 capacity with participation of unvaccinated adults who are masked and physically distanced, McDougall leaders chose not to re-open for in-person worship services until Thanksgiving Sunday, October 12. To attend that Sunday and future worship services at McDougall during this stage of pandemic restrictions participants will be required to pre-register, provide proof of vaccination (or approved alternative), and maintain masking while in the building. This procedure matches the requirements outlined in the provincial governments REP.

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COVID-19 Measures“Moving Forward Cautiously” - September 16th , 2021
Daren Patterson, COVID-19 Relaunch Coordinator Daren Patterson, COVID-19 Relaunch Coordinator

COVID-19 Measures“Moving Forward Cautiously” - September 16th , 2021

Under the latest Government of Alberta mandatory restrictions announced on September 15th, 2021, Places of Worship have now been included these restrictions include:

The new mandatory restrictions for Places of Worship effective, September 16th, 2021, are:

Capacity limited to 1/3 fire code occupancy.

Masks are mandatory.

2 metres physical distancing between households, or 2 close contacts for those living alone.

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COVID-19 Measures: “Moving Forward Cautiously” -August 2021
Daren Patterson, Leadership Council Co-Chair Daren Patterson, Leadership Council Co-Chair

COVID-19 Measures: “Moving Forward Cautiously” -August 2021

While worship services are no longer subject to restrictions under current Provincial Health Officer Orders, there are many basic precautions we at McDougall United Church can implement to keep our services and programming at a minimal risk setting for COVID-19 transmissions. Many of the measures that were put in place during the pandemic still offer a level of protection and they help to reduce the possibility of transmission of COVID-19.

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