COVID-19 Measures “Moving Forward Cautiously” -October 2021

McDougall continues to follow all Provincial and municipal health orders that relate to Places of Worship as well as the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP). Complete details of these orders can be found here.

Although the provincial pandemic guidelines updated in mid-September permitted places of worship to be open at 1/3 capacity with participation of unvaccinated adults who are masked and physically distanced, McDougall leaders chose not to re-open for in-person worship services until Thanksgiving Sunday, October 12. To attend that Sunday and future worship services at McDougall during this stage of pandemic restrictions participants will be required to pre-register, provide proof of vaccination (or approved alternative), and maintain masking while in the building. This procedure matches the requirements outlined in the provincial governments REP. 

Key recommendations from the Provincial Governments REP, include, but are not limited to,

  • Face masks are required in all indoor public spaces.

  • Individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms must isolate, in accordance with CMOH Order 39-2021.

  • All attendees are to be screened for one of the following at the point of entry: 

    •  Proof of vaccination; or

    •  Proof of a negative privately paid test result from a sample that is taken within the prior 72 hours (Results from Alberta Health Services are not eligible for consideration for this program), or

    • An original (non-copied) medical exemption letter. 

  • Individuals 18 years or older must produce valid personal identification.

  • Prior to October 25: At least one dose is required at least 14 days prior to entry. 

  • After October 25: Two doses of a two-dose series are required, with the second at least 14 days prior to entry. 

 As well we continue to implement these additional restrictions:

  • Library access continues to be by appointment only.

  • Food Service is limited to catered food and prepackaged food items served by a limited number of masked individuals. 

  • Capacity limited to the number of participants as advertised in the pre-registration information. 

  • Masks are mandatory.

  • 2 metres physical distancing between households, or 2 close contacts for those living alone.

  • Indoor wedding ceremonies and funeral services are permitted with up to 50 people.

  • Indoor wedding and funeral receptions are allowed by a caterer as McDougall is implementing the restrictions exemption program.

In addition to Sunday services our facility is used for a variety of group activities, and as the operators we are responsible for ensuring that any group meetings in our facility follow the REP. Our Facilities manager, John Naylor, will be sending a letter of agreement to all rental groups to sign prior to receiving confirmation of space booking at McDougall during this period of restrictions.  

Church related groups are not required to sign a letter of agreement but when booking the required space with John, leaders will be informed of the vital importance for them to clearly communicate to their participants of the requirements to show proof of vaccination (or other) for each meeting/activity those meeting at the church of the requirement that bring proof of vaccination for the group leader to verify and the requirement that that they remain masked while in the building. To facilitate the verification process, information and a COVID Vaccination screening form will be provided by the Facilities Manager to the leaders of groups booking McDougall space to facilitate the screening process.  

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation,

Daren Patterson

Co-Chair Leadership Council

COVID-19 Relaunch Coordinator  


2021 - Q3 Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Report – Fall 2021


2021 - Q3 PASTORAL CARE REPORT From Rev. Marilyn Evans, Pastoral Care Minister (Interim)June 15, 2021 - October 13, 2021