COVID Update June 30, 2022

Starting on July 10th (Stampede Sunday) mask wearing will be strongly encouraged in the Sanctuary for Sunday Worship Service but no longer mandatory. We expect this news will make some of you very happy while others may become nervous. It is important during this transition time, that we all respect each other and where we are at. Please be considerate, if someone is masked in the Sanctuary and you are not, give them some extra space or ask if it is alright to sit there.

In an effort to continue to make attending Worship Service as safe as possible, additional risk mitigation solutions have been put in place. Below are some of them:

·        Chairs in the Sanctuary will be spaced out more.

·        No mass singing events will be held between now and the end of Joanne’s sabbatical

·        Plexiglass dividers will be used to provide a barrier between any singer(s) and the congregation

·        Any ministry/fellowship related large gatherings (50+) will need to have a 15 day waiting period before another large gathering to mitigate any viral spread

We thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we take one more step towards a “new normal”.

The worship advisory committee meets regularly and is continually monitoring the situation. We will keep you advised of any changes.


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