COVID Update: April 21, 2022

Out of an abundance of caution, and considering the current increase in COVID-19 cases and resultant hospitalizations in Alberta, we have determined it is prudent for us to continue masking during worship services.  We recognize that these precautions are not required in other spaces, and more and more people are comfortable without masking.  However, our call as a community of faith is to consider the most vulnerable amongst us (included unvaccinated children) and to try and make spaces as safe as possible.  The Worship Advisory Team will continue to monitor the situation, and when hospitalizations and other indicators begin to ease, we will review the situation again, hopefully in the next few weeks!

We have relaxed the masking requirements for all other activities at McDougall.  Although we continue to recommend masking for coffee after the service, and other events in Hospitality Hall, we know that people are capable of making their own risk assessment on whether to enter or not.  In those spaces outside worship in the sanctuary, we leave masking choices to the discretion of individuals.

It has been a tough two years!  We, the people of God and the leadership of McDougall and Ogden, are muddling through, using the best information available, as we seek to serve God and our community.


Acadia Pantry: April Numbers


URGENT: Temporary accommodations needed for Ukrainian Refugee Families