COVID Update May 25, 2022

Last week the Worship Advisory Committee met to discuss the current COVID situation and make recommendations on what safety arrangements should be in place for McDougall and Ogden’s Sunday Worship services. These conversations are always difficult as no one solution will satisfy the entire community. We strive to be a church that remains welcome to all, while also protecting the most vulnerable members of the population that attends our Sunday services. We understand and respect that everyone has their own comfort levels. However, everyone who attends Sunday Worship Service needs to feel safe.  As much as we all wish COVID was behind us, it is still around and could likely be for a long time.  With the choir set to perform again in June, it was decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest to hold off on removing masks so that our singers feel comfortable singing in such close proximity and allow for the maximum amount of participation.

Therefore mask wearing will continue in the Sanctuary during the Sunday Worship Services for the time being.

Coffee time is back following the service in Hospitality Hall and masks will remain optional for this. Online services will continue to be streamed for viewing at your leisure for those among us who are not yet ready to enter the church or prefer to enjoy the service in the comfort of their own homes.

The worship advisory committee meets regularly and is continually monitoring the situation. We will keep you advised of any changes.


Rev. Joanne Anquist: Sabbatical Update


Support for Ukrainian Refugees and Help for Ukraine