COVID Update: February 10, 2022

On February 8, 2022 The Government of Alberta announced a 3 phased plan for lifting public health restrictions related to COVID.  McDougall’s leadership teams have always used government regulations as guidance for our policies.  We make decisions for our members and our building out of an abundance of caution, recognizing we serve a vulnerable population and we are called to care for the weakest among us.

With that in mind, we have decided not to make any changes to our COVID mitigation plans at this time. Sunday services will continue to be livestreamed with plans to open for in person worship in March (contingent on declining transmission and hospitalizations). The Worship Advisory Team is meeting next week to discuss any precautions considered prudent for those who attend in person, notwithstanding the lifting of government restrictions.

We note that masking requirements remain in place until March 1st.  After March 1st, we will continue to require masks in all common areas of the church. Masks will be strongly recommended for meetings in rooms as well, but it will be incumbent on the leaders of those groups to determine what is right for them.

Some of you will believe we are being too cautious, others that we have not gone far enough in lifting restrictions.  Our goal in all of this is the safety and health of all.

We will keep you informed as new information becomes available.


COVID Update: Church Opening March 6, 2022


2021 - Q4 Ministry and Personnel Fourth Quarter Report