Update on Friday Zoom Coffee

After a discussion with attendees, it was decided that the Friday Zoom Coffee will no longer happen. Please see below an email that went out from Rev. Joanne.

Hello All,

Jen sent out a note earlier this week, asking whether you wish to continue with the Friday coffee group.  We have heard many responses, and it seems the consensus is that though it has been appreciated, it is okay to let it go.  It is really important to begin and end well – and especially to know when it is time to move onto other things.  So many of you have busy lives.  Many have moved into different living situations that offer more activities and diversions – which is so great.  Still others have taken advantage of the opening of all things after COVID, and are seeking in person offerings.  Thank you all for your kind words of support both for the past and for the future. 

I just wanted to say that this group has meant a lot to me as well.  I loved the opportunity to get to know you all, and to hear your perspectives.  There is such wisdom in this group of women, such thoughtful consideration of the world and its many challenges, such joy to be found in community.  Please know that I am always open to meeting for coffee or tea – here, at your place, or a coffee shop to be determined!  I’d love to keep in touch in other ways – just drop me a note if you’d like to chat some time! 

Raise your hands to the universe.  You are a blessing to this world.  You have been given the great privilege of being the Hands and Feet of Christ as you move through your day and your life.  Go knowing that Love surrounds you, and Grace carries you.  


Joanne Anquist (She/Her)



Stewardship: Volunteer Help Needed Oct 18 & 20


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (October 2023)