Stewardship: Volunteer Help Needed Oct 18 & 20

This years Stewardship Team is busy putting together the church’s Stewardship package for 2024. This is our major appeal to people in our church for an annual financial commitment to support the church.  This Wednesday morning,  October 18 at 10:00 AM I will be overseeing the printing of several inserts that will go in the Stewardship package and on Friday October 20th I need a team of people to assist with the folding of the stewardship brochure, stuffing the brochure and inserts into envelopes, attaching address labels and stamping the envelopes.  Many hands make light work! 

If you are available to assist with this work either the morning of Wednesday October 18 between 10:00 am and noon and/or Friday October 20 starting at 10:00 or later that day, please let me know.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!  Please contact the office or myself if you can help.

Joanne Pritchard

McDougall Operations Lead/ Leadership Council Co-chair

To learn more about the 2024 Stewardship Campaign, please visit the Stewardship Webpage.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities within the church, please visit the Volunteer Webpage.


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Update on Friday Zoom Coffee