Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (October 2023)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

October News

  • Happy Anniversary: Following the service on October 1st we were invited to have cake and celebrate with JoAnn & Nick P, and Jan & Doug D as we celebrated their 60th wedding anniversaries.

  • Update on Friday Zoom Coffee: After a discussion with attendees, it was decided that the Friday Zoom Coffee will no longer happen. Please see below an email that went out from Rev. Joanne. Continue reading on website.

  • Having Jesus for Dinner: Immersion in the “good news” - 5 Course Dinner and Discussion: Wednesday, October 18 from 5 - 9 pm, We are very excited to welcome Dr. Levan to McDougall for a special 5 course dinner with discussion. Using his most recent book, Having Jesus for Dinner, community or cannibalism, Dr. Levan will take participants through the experience of sharing a meal with Jesus.  It takes about four hours and five courses. We’ll explore the gospel evidence for eating with Jesus and how his “Kingdom of God” movement was based on shared bread. We will conclude with the challenge: Can Christians reset the table for a new expression of Jesus’ “holy meal”—one suited for our current mission here and now.  Learn more and register on the website.

  • Intergenerational Club - Sign up after Service on Sunday, October 15th: Join us in Hospitality Hall after the service on Sunday, October 15th to meet representatives from Linkages and sign up to participate. You can learn more about this program by visiting our website.

  • Taste & Try is Back! Check out some of the photos from the October 5th event. Learn more about Taste & Try by visiting their webpage.

  • Harpal’s Retirement Party: On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 the staff as well as a few other people who worked closely with Harpal met up to give him a proper retirement lunch. A huge thank you to Peggy J for coordinating and cooking the lunch along with assistance from Marilyn B. Congratulations on your retirement Harpal!

  • Shared Ministry Information: At the May Leadership Council meeting and subsequently at the congregation Town Hall meeting some McDougall UC (MUC) leaders presented the idea of MUC becoming involved in shared ministry with other United Church congregations. For the past 2 years Ogden UC (OUC) and MUC have held worship together in a shared ministry that is working well. Continue reading on website.

  • 'Ways to Give' Information Session - Sunday, November 12 at Noon: To help you better understand the importance of legacy giving for the future of our church home, you are invited you to attend a ‘Ways to Give’ Information Session on Sunday November 12 at noon, following the worship service. See the event information.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 1, Marjorie MacRae: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading on website.

  • McDougall Library - New Books: New books have been added to the McDougall Library. Continue reading on website.

  • Feed the Hungry: Update & Thank You: Thank you to everyone who supported the Feed the Hungry campaign this year. Continue reading on website.

  • 2023 - 3rd Quarter Financial Report: Financial results will be shared with the congregation at the end of each quarter. Continue reading on the website.

  • Heritage Time Out Pictures: On Wednesday, October 11, I was able to visit Heritage Time out for the first time. Continue reading and see pictures on website.

  • Did You Know: We have two celebrities' in our mist? Members Barrie and Carol C were recently featured on a Heart and Stroke flyer. Way to go, thanks for sharing your story! You can see the flyer here.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send it your news!

See what happened in September here.


Update on Friday Zoom Coffee


2023 - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister, Report: January -August 2023 (first 2 Quadrimesters)