Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (December 2024)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

December News

  • Angel Tree - Looking for delivery drivers Thank you so much for your support of our Angel tree this year. This is a quick reminder that gifts should be dropped off by this Sunday, December 8. Gifts can be wrapped or not but please attach an angel (if you pulled off the tree) or write the family name, gender, age and initial (if you signed up online). If you missed your chance to get an Angel, please consider making a financial donation to support this program. We are looking for a few hamper drivers for the evening of Monday, December 9. You can sign up here. You can learn more about the Christmas Hamper Program here.

  • Acadia Pantry - Looking for mittens, scarves, etc. Times are tough and as a result more and more families are turning to the Acadia Food Pantry to get by. This year McDougall will be working with other churches in the area to provide some additional items to the families in our local community that take advantage of this great program. Addition tables will be set up during the Acadia Food Pantry on Tuesday, December 17th where collected items will be put out. Continue reading on website.

  • Taste & Try November Recipes We had a great cooking experience with Nancy during our Nov T&T and the food was fantastic! Nancy not only offered to take on the guest chef role, but she shopped, prepped at home, ran the class, and then did up all the recipes. Continue reading on website.

  • Thank You To our McDougall Family, With sincere appreciation for all the beautiful cards and words of comfort, the casseroles and delicious pastries we received. Alf was happy to be involved in any way he could help- Men's Club and Property Committee. We miss him dearly. With sincere thanks, The Berridges

  • Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist Hurry up and wait – it feels like more and more of life is like that.  Standing in line to get a good seat.  Waiting online for an operator to figure out why your internet isn’t working.  Queuing up at the grocery store because there are never enough clerks and that self-check doesn’t quite do it. Continue on website.

  • McDougall Elves hard at Work Our McDougall elves were busy again this year sorting all the Angel Tree gifts and then making sure they got to the families that need them. A huge thank you to Cheryl C, Kathy M, Denise P, Dave S for all the hard work behind the scenes. 

  • Holiday Information: Closure, Services and Email Blast - Office Closure: Please be advised that as in past years, the office will be closed over the holidays. Continue reading online.

  • Life of the Church: Cheer Karina on December 21st Join Karina at the Saving Xmas Liftmas Challenge, a Raw Powerlifting competition, Saturday, December 21st, starting at 10:00 am at One For All Fitness South East, 6125, 11 ST SE (7 minutes from McDougall Church). Karina will be judging from 10:00 am until 1:00pm and then she will be challenging a National Military Press, wearing her new Team Canada singlet (and not a dress). Find the hidden key in the pictures and show up at the meet, and Karina will give you a door prize! Santa and his elves will be at this meet, and there will be treats for the children as well as potluck for everyone. All are welcome. Come on down and meet Head Coach Saretsky, Coach David, the Canadian team, and all the strong, brave athletes who work hard all year to show their strength at this competition. Entry fees for spectators are $5 and will be donated to the Calgary Food Bank. This competition was cancelled at the Lethbridge location, but One For All and Santa saved the day and brought the competition to Calgary so that all of the athletes who want to test their strength and power can compete!

  • Podcast is Now Live! Prepared to Drown: Deep Dives Into an Expansive Faith Podcast is now live online! We are excited to announce that you can now listen to our October and November episodes. You can listen on your computer, tablet, or phone! Continue reading on website.

  • Thank You Myrna! Myrna M did the arrangement in the planter at the East Entrance.  It looks so welcoming and Christmasy.  We appreciate all her efforts, thanks for making McDougall such a great place to come to.

  • Kid’s Table - We Need Your Help, We are looking to expand our Kid's Table team! If you enjoy working with children, or if you are a parent of a child in our program, we would love to have you join us. While all planning and leading of the program will be managed by our experienced team, we could use an extra set of hands each week to help ensure things run smoothly. Continue reading online.

  • Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist, When I was a kid, I hated playing tag – waiting for someone to catch me made me so anxious, I would just turn around and stop so it could be over.  I was never fast enough to outrun anyone, or to catch anyone for that matter.  Just get it over with – I hate waiting for the inevitable tag that would surely come soon.  I was waiting in dread. Continue reading on website

  • Christmas Hamper Thank You! The Christmas Hamper Committee would like to thank everyone involved in making this year’s program a success.  Through your generous support of money, time and talents we were able to supply presents and food gift cards to 10 families ( 53 people).  We know these hampers were much appreciated by the families who received them.  The following message was sent to us from one of these recipients: Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to thank you for your efforts and for providing beautiful gifts on behalf of our entire family. Thank you very much. Happy New Year. Samia T

  • Baptism: On December 22 we had the privilege in welcoming Sophie to the community through baptism. A few photos were taken during the service, you can see them below. If you are wanting to watch the service, you can view it here.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send in your news!

See what happened in November here.


Acadia Pantry - Looking for mittens, scarves, etc.


Angel Tree - Looking for delivery drivers