2022 Scholarship Update

Since 1995, McDougall has proudly awarded 120 Scholarships to relatives of members, and to others who had some affiliation with furthering McDougall’s Outreach initiative and who were proceeding in their post-secondary education. 

The Scholarship fund was first established by a donation from Dawn and Keith Bees and later supplemented by a generous endowment from the Dave and Martha Taylor Family. Throughout this period, many McDougall members also generously contributed toward this fund and continue to do so.  

Over the years we have received gratitude from graduates spanning a variety of careers such as ministers, doctors, nurses, engineers, hairdressers, veterinarians, teachers, pilots, etc.

In 2022, we are proud to award scholarships to the following: 

Kayla Berridge, Daughter of Douglas and Aileen Berridge. Kayla is pursuing a career in Anthropology. 

Sander Branco, sponsored by Margorie McRae and as a refugee who had to flee to Canada with his mother and three sisters to avoid the oppression in his country. He will be volunteering his help this summer with activities organized by Rev. Danah Cox and Nik Sloat. Sander is pursuing a career in Mechanical Engineering. 

Rachal Smith, Grand Daughter of Donna Traub. Rachal is pursuing a career in Elementary Education. 

Jordan Teniuk, Grandson of Marilyn Agnew. Jordan is pursuing a career as an Electrical Technician  

Alexa (Lexi) Wilson, Grand Daughter of Gordon and Joan Vickers. Lexi is pursuing a Bachelor of Management/Major in Human Resources and Labour Relations degree. 

Lily Wilson, Grand Daughter of Gordon and Joan Vickers. Lily is pursuing a career in either Health or Climate & Environmental. 

Nik Sloat, Is sponsored by McDougall Church and is serving as a summer Intern at McDougall. Nik is pursuing a career in the Ministry. 

Gloria Snow, Affiliated with McDougall’s outreach Right Relations initiative. Gloria is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree having completed a certificate in Indigenous Studies and Theology. She continues to be an advocate of McDougall’s Outreach & Social Justice Ministry in the area of Right Relations. 

Ken Levae, Gloria Snow’s husband, is affiliated with McDougall’s outreach Right Relations imitative and seeking a Master of Divinity degree. 

Rev. John Snow, Also affiliated with McDougall’s Right relations initiative and is pursuing a career in the Ministry. 

Rev. Tony Snow, Came on staff at McDougall as a Candidate for Ministry. His focus shifted to Indigenous Ministry. While completing a Master of Divinity, he maintained a strong connection with McDougall’s Outreach and Social Justice imitative. The United Church of Canada has appointed Tony as Indigenous Lead for the Chinook West Winds Region. On June 25th 2022, Tony was ordained into the United Church Ministry. We are proud to have aided Tony in his quest to serve. 

The McDougall Scholarship/ Bursary Committee continues to support the Church’s determination to support our family related and service-related youth and adults in pursuit of their dream-oriented careers. 

Submitted by Nick Perrin, Chair of McDougall Scholarship/Bursary Committee 


COVID Update June 30, 2022


Camp Kasota 2022 Wrap Up