2022 - Q2 Perceptive Communication & Response (PC&R) Work Group June 202

The former Communication Committee has been retitled to: ‘Perceptive Communication & Response (PC&R) Work Group.’

The purpose of the retitling was to signify the Workgroup’s objective which is to not only listen perceptively to concerns, but to also to respond with purpose and transparency to the concerns expressed and formulate suggestions to be forwarded to the Leadership Council and/or respective Working Group.

The committee is currently made up of Nick Perrin (team lead) Ken Turnbull (contributing member) and Sarah Reuangrith (McD Communications Coordinator).

The committee met on the 6th to affirm the New Governance recommendation of re-establishing a working group to address and improve internal as well as external human as well as technical communication issues involving McDougall Church.

Issues and Actions:

Issue: Visioning Work Grouping (VWG) headed by Daren Patterson with Marilyn Bates as an initial committee member.

Action: At the VWG request, the PC&R working group would be involved in helping to convey recommendations and decisions culminating in the visioning initiative.

Issue: To maintain communication transparency of issues and recommended actions arising from Leadership Council and currently functioning workgroups such as:

· The Operations Working Group.

· Worship & Spiritual Development.

· Pastoral care.

· Outreach & Social Justice.

· Family Ministry.

· Visioning Working Group.

· Perceptive Communication & Response WG.

· Ministry & Personnel.

· Property WG

· McDougall Foundation

Action: To utilize as many communication channels as possible to facilitate a clear understanding of the Issue(s) and resulting Action(s).

Issue: Additional members to serve on PC&R Working Group.

Action: Members of the former Communications Working Group would be approached to consider their level of interest. As well, Sarah would post a volunteer notice on our website.

Quarterly Report Respectfully Submitted By Nick Perrin, Team Lead


2022 - Q2 Operations Second Quarter Report, April to June 2022


COVID Update June 30, 2022