URGENT: Temporary accommodations needed for Ukrainian Refugee Families

Can you help?

If you can’t, do you know someone who might? 

The Centre for Newcomers has contacted the Refugee Group of McDougall United and Christ Moravian Churches to see if we can help find temporary housing for refugee families from Ukraine arriving in Calgary in the next few weeks.  None have relatives here so they all need help to get started in their new country. 

  • Family size ranges from 2 to 6. 

  • At least one family member speaks good English. 

  • Refugees are arriving now

  • The Federal government provides short term assistance to help them get settled. 

Furniture and household items will also be required. Housing and donations will be coordinated by Centre for Newcomers. 

If you know someone - who might know someone - who might be able to help, please contact the refugee group.

To learn more about the refugee group please visit their webpage.

Let’s get the word out!


COVID Update: April 21, 2022


Refugee Update: 4 Children are Canadian Citizens