2021 - Q3 PASTORAL CARE REPORT From Rev. Marilyn Evans, Pastoral Care Minister (Interim)June 15, 2021 - October 13, 2021

I was pleased to begin my ministry as the Interim Pastoral Care Minister at McDougall United Church on June 15, 2021.  Although this position is for 12 hours a week, my weekly work hours have always exceeded and continue to exceed that allocated time.  As you will see by my stats and details below, the pastoral needs of our aging congregation are many and diverse.  I consider it to be a sacred trust to journey with people in our faith community in their special circumstances. 

142 phone calls related to pastoral care, including follow-up phone calls, referrals to inform me about pastoral situations which include:

- Members who are palliative at home, in hospice or hospital and their family members

- Members who are suffering from chronic disease

- The family of members who are in the hospital to get updates and give support

- Members who had a death in their family

- Members who had surgery

- A community member who requested a food hamper

Phone call from a member in distress - responded with in-person visit

16 pastoral visits to persons in their homes, at hospice, my office and in hospital (with special permission)

These numbers do not include the people I have conversation with in-person re: pastoral care matters before and after Sunday worship services when in-person gathering has been allowed.

Emails/Texts – receiving and responding to emails regarding pastoral care referrals and updates, as well as in-house church communication

Weekly Prayer Circle emails to update prayer circle list

Communication with Life Enrichment Manager at Lake Bonavista Village re: assessment of resuming monthly chapel services

Requested 32 cards be prepared and sent by Eleanor Anderson (Sympathy, Thinking of You, Get Well, Milestone birthday and anniversary)

Attendance at 2 celebrations for milestone anniversaries

Responded to pastoral care referrals following the June and October pastoral care phone-out to the congregation

Preparation for and leadership of Prayers of the People for weekly Sunday worship.  (Personal names are only included with the permission of the individual involved.)

Communication with Rev. Joanne Anquist to update her re: pastoral matters (email, phone, in-person)

Communication with Esther Peterson (Chair of the Pastoral Care Committee)

Participation in monthly Pastoral Care Committee meetings by zoom

Participation in monthly Friendship Club meetings by zoom

Following discussion at the Pastoral Care Committee meeting, as requested, I prepared a draft for the Funeral Reception Coordinator

Preparing detailed pastoral care notes for myself, less detailed for the Pastoral Care Committee

4 Funeral/Memorial Services not included in weekly hours.  This includes meeting with the family in person, post family meeting communication, planning and leading the service and follow-up bereavement care.

I also gratefully acknowledge the many people in our church family who faithfully and lovingly provide pastoral care, each in her/his own way, in an ongoing way to a variety of people.




COVID-19 Measures “Moving Forward Cautiously” -October 2021


2021 - Q3 Operations Working Group Quarterly Report -October