2021 - Q3 Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Report – Fall 2021

Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Action Item for the Fall of 2021 focused on Funding Outreach Projects. It was decided that rather than funding individual projects, Outreach would request the Congregation to include the mission projects as part of the Church Budget.

It was agreed in principle to propose the United Way Model for funding McDougall Outreach Projects in 2023.  There would be one unified fund to do the work of Outreach.

Discussion included the following:

  • Funding for Outreach Projects would be included in the Church Budget beginning 2023

  • Program and Project Events could raise additional funds but there would be no extra pulpit appeals to avoid overwhelming the congregation

  • Outreach & Social Justice would recommend the Mission Projects and the Proportion of funding to the Leadership Council.

  • Emphasis would be on strategic planning and focusing on key projects such as Right Relations noting that the latter is a challenge when it comes to fund-raising.

  • Outreach projects would be funded to the amount raised by the congregation.

Next Steps:

  • Tara Jorgensen will write up the proposal for the November Leadership meeting, which is focusing on Visioning – this proposal would be part of the vision moving forward.

  • Outreach & Social Justice will follow up the conversation at the next meeting planned for Monday, November 29th.

Mission & Service 2021 – The United Church of Canada

McDougall is on budget to meet the $30,000.00 commitment made by congregational members to fund our work in Canada and with partner churches around the world.  A Haiti Special Appeal to assist ACT churches repairing the earthquake devastation is best supported by going online to the United Church of Canada.  A special appeal was made to “Feed the Hungry” in the wake of the pandemic.  Questions have been raised about the cost of mail outs, which is always a concern but getting the story out and raising money costs money.  The church is very diligent to operate as prudently as possible. 

You are invited to become a Mission & Service Enthusiast:

STEP 1. SHARE the Mission & Service message. 

STEP 2. INSPIRE! Show a Mission & Service video or read a Minute for Mission story. 

STEP 3. INVITE! Encourage people to give generously to help transform lives. 

STEP 4. THANK! Express gratitude for generosity.

Right Relations -Chinook Winds/Seeds of Hope – Marilyn Agnew

The Treaty Day and Orange Shirt Day were zoom presentations led by Tony Snow and the Chinook Winds Region and were well received.

The Day of Wellness – October 2 held at McDougall involved 12 women and others who were part of the day long program led in person y Nellie Ryder from Regina.  Funds budgeted for Treaty Day and Orange Shirt were re-allocated for the Wellness Day, which was much appreciated by all the participants.

McDougall & Chinook Winds TRC calls to Action with Tony Snow

McDougall members are encouraged to register for the Cultural Awareness Series planned for Tuesdays – October 19 & 26. You are also encouraged to attend the rallies of Right Relations Events as witnesses. Video projects are being developed for churches asking for Right Relations assistance such as Lacombe United. McKillop in Lethbridge set up a fund raiser for Chinook Winds Indigenous Ministry. On All Souls Days (November 2)Tony Snow is planning a Day of the Dead Service for the Murdered & Missing Women. 

Acadia Network – Community Social Worker Viviana Reinberg reported on the activities and plans for the fall and noted that there will be more demand on the Acadia Pantry that meets on Tuesday, October 19th at McDougall as Deer Park United has closed their pantry due to shortage of volunteers. An Alberta government Grant was received through Acadia Network to pay for a fridge for the use of the pantry in McDougall Pantry Storage room in the lower hall. Acadia Place has a new CUPS worker - Chelsea Reddekop (She/Her),  Community Developer – Acadia Place, BA, BSW, RSW - chelsear@cupscalgary.com   cupscalgary.com  (403) 560-3155. The CUPS/KAIROS – Christmas Banquet for the Five Housing projects including Acadia Place is tentatively scheduled for Friday, December 10th – Hospitality Hall at McDougall United.

Dinner Feed the Hungry Dinner on Sunday, September 26 was funded by $3,000.00 raised by McDougall and matched by the Shaw Charity Classic. 12 volunteers attended from McDougall – 357 guests were hosted for the dinner. Convener Daren Patterson recommends that McDougall funds the dinner every second year since it has been more difficult to raise the necessary funds.  

Refugee Project– Marjorie MacRae noted that the Fund-Raising appeal of $5000.00 is half-way toward reaching the goal.

Christmas Hamper Program – Ken Turnbull will plan to use Credit Card gifts funded through the Church Credit Card program.  Communications Leader, Sarah will present suggestions for a “Email -Blast Angel Tree”

Interested in Outreach Projects and Ministry??? Contact Lead Rev. Bob Mutlow at rwmutlow@outlook.com and join us for our next regular meeting on Monday, November 29th at 7:00 pm via Zoom.


2021 - Q3 Ministry and Personnel Third Quarter Report , July 1 – September 30, 2021


COVID-19 Measures “Moving Forward Cautiously” -October 2021