2021 - Q3 Ministry and Personnel Third Quarter Report , July 1 – September 30, 2021

This has been another difficult quarter, with the transition to new staff in McDougall’s administration area.   Jen Heidebrecht (Office Administrator) and Sarah Reuangrith (Temporary Communications Coordinator) both started July 15.  Many thanks to Lori Wilson and Leanne Kempt for their willingness to train the new staff.  Jen has been busy learning the systems and coordinating with the External Bookkeeper, Courtney Den Boer.  Sarah has taken over preparation of the worship service PowerPoint, development of Stewardship campaign materials and creating a plan for marketing the church.   Krishan Power was to return on contract as our Choral Music Director in September but chose not to do so while COVID restrictions were in place.  We are hoping that choirs will be able to return in a few months’ time. To fill the gap in choral music leadership, contract hours were increased for our Service Musician, Tanya Wan Lim to coordinate and rehearse with a few singers in order to provide choral anthems and leadership at the worship services.   

A staff appreciation event was held on July 18 followed by a farewell for the following staff:   Donelle Elliott (Children’s Program Leader), Lori Wilson (Office Administrator), Leanne Kempt (Assistant Office Administrator), and Rachel Nadon (Pastoral Care Coordinator).   Rachel has moved to a full- time position in Drumheller.  All the staff received a gift card as part of our staff appreciation for their work over the past year.  The staff who were leaving also received an additional gift card and a personalized table runner.  Afterwards, there were muffins and juice served.

At the Congregational Meeting on September12, the congregation approved the hiring of our new half time Family and Pastoral Care Minister, Rev. Danah Cox, to begin on October 1.  He met with Joanne Anquist before his contract began, to start planning their roles.   Aileen Berridge’s role as Family Ministry Coordinator continued until the end of September, and we began finalizing the terms of her new reduced hours position under the supervision of Rev. Danah Cox. 

Rev. Marilyn Evans has done an amazing job since starting mid-June taking on a term position as Pastoral Care Minister.  She provided excellent pastoral care to many members of the congregation despite the limited hours provided for the position.  

Harpal Chahal, our Caretaker, agreed to move to an ongoing part time role beginning September 1, based on our caretaking needs. 

Sadly, Shauna Kennedy, our Communications Coordinator, had to be moved onto Long Term Disability at the end of August.  We will keep her in our prayers.

We ask that prayers continue for our staff and the Leadership Council, during these challenging times.

Peggy Jorgensen

Ministry and Personnel Lead


2021 - Q3 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –July 2021  – September 2021


2021 - Q3 Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Report – Fall 2021