2021 - Q3 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –July 2021  – September 2021

The Summer months were a quieter time at McDougall while people enjoyed the relaxed COVID restrictions.  I was on holidays and study leave through July 11th, and then again for a few days at the end of August.


  1. I was able to attend a workshop on the “Hybrid Model” of Worship, also called the “integrated model.”  It encouraged congregations to consider how to connect to the online community as well as hold in person events.  As a result, McDougall will continue to livestream services, even after restrictions are lifted, and will endeavor to hold weekly groups both in person and online.

  2. We held a Stampede breakfast on July 11th which was organized by Aileen Berridge.  It was hoped that it could be held outside, but the weather did not cooperate!  At the last minute it was moved into Hospitality Hall.  COVID regulations were enforced to ensure this event was safe.  As I was still on vacation, Rev. Bob Mutlow presided over the service which followed the breakfast.  A great success!

  3. Our yearly Camp Kasota Retreat resumed this year, but at the end of August instead of June.  Strict COVID protocols were followed, but the 50+ people who attended enjoyed the chance to get away to Sylvan Lake for the weekend.  I had planned to go, but was feeling ill, so, out of an abundance of caution, remained at home.

  4. We had planned a welcome back and 60th Anniversary celebration for September 19th, but as COVID numbers increased, it was determined that this event should be postponed until we could celebrate safely.


  1. Interviewed two candidates for the temporary Communications Coordinator position.  In July, Sarah Reuangrith started as our temporary communications coordinator at 10 hours per week.  She took over the role from Shauna Kennedy, who is now on long term disability.  Sarah’s hours were increased to 15 per week in September.

  2. Met with and received updates from Rev. Marilyn Evans, our temporary Pastoral Care Minister, as needed.

  3. July was the beginning of a period of adjustment as we said goodbye to our office support, Lori Wilson and Leanne Kempt, and welcomed Jennifer Heidebrecht as our new office administrator.  Reduced office hours and outsourcing of bookkeeping has meant fewer hours for administration.  Staff and congregation are still adjusting to this, and we continue to seek ways to make our administration more lean and efficient.

  4. Served on the Search Committee for the 2nd minister and participated in interviews for this position.  The search committee made a recommendation to hire Rev. Danah Cox as a half time minister which was presented to the Leadership Council in August and supported by the congregation on September 14th, 2021.  We welcomed Danah to our staff on October 1, 2021. 

  5. Aileen remained on her present contract until the end of September.  She will continue with McDougall with reduced hours to assist with Messy Church programs.

  6. We had hoped that Krishan Power would be able to resume choir practices and participation in the services in September, 2021.  However, when our services were suspended for in-person worship, and further COVID restrictions were announced, it was clear that the choir should not resume until later in the year at the earliest.  Krishan Power made the difficult decision to leave McDougall until such time as the choir can rehearse and sing without restrictions.  We hope he will be available to direct our choir once this happens.

  7. Tanya was asked to assist with organizing and directing smaller groups who could offer music ministry until the choirs could resume.  Her hours were increased to account for this.

  8. I meet with the Co-Chairs (Daren Patterson, Tara Jorgensen and Joanne Pritchard) each month to discuss McDougall and it’s ministry.

  9. The Leadership Council met in August.  At that time, I presented an overview of where we are, and a choice of visions for McDougall going forward – a decision of whether to reach into the neighbourhoods around us and offer more ways for folks to engage with us, or to become a more pastoral church dedicated to the members who are already part of our congregation.  More discussion on these paths is planned in the coming Leadership Council meetings.

  10. I participated in the monthly Operations Working Group meetings.

  11. I continue to sit on the Chinook Winds Executive, as well as the David Ferguson Music Fund of Chinook Winds.  This is a commitment of about 5 hours per month.


  1. Our shared services with Ogden United Church continued (livestreamed only until the end of June, but livestreamed and in person starting in July).  Rev. Bill Weaver and I alternate preaching and presiding each week.  We meet to plan services as needed.

  2. A decision was made to make this arrangement of shared services permanent until Ogden United was able to worship again in their own space.  A decommissioning of the Ogden United church was held August 4th and the building was removed from the site later that week. 

  3. In August, a person who had attended our in-person service, tested positive for COVID-19.  A decision was made to suspend in-person worship immediately, to determine whether it had spread to other congregants.  In total, 3 people who had been at the service tested positive.  We went back to livestreaming services at 11:00 am each Sunday (in-person services resumed October 10th).

  4. A Worship Advisory Team was struck in August as a sounding board to help with feedback around our worship services and to assist in decisions around in-person worship.  Thanks to Bob Mutlow, Barrie Clayton, Ruth Dunsire, and Claire Meyers for their service on this team, along with the ministry personnel. 

  5. We aired the Calgary Pride Service on September 5th.  I pre-recorded a greeting and candle lighting for the service.  Rev. Bill Weaver and I included a discussion about the importance of being an Affirming Ministry for McDougall before we aired the service, as Ogden United has not yet been through this process.

  6. Our worship theme through September was The Season of Creation, a Home for All.  We discussed our place on the earth and the importance of caring for our planet.


  1. Friday coffee group continued through the Summer, as COVID continues to isolate so many of our members.

  2. I officiated at the wedding of Krishan Power (our choir director) and Sean Buckley on August 7th at Confederation Park.  A wonderful day of celebration.

  3. I officiated at the wedding of Krista Creguer and Evan Skoretz, folks who live in our community, on September 18th.

  4. I presided over the Celebration of Life service for John Stoddart on August 14th.  

  5. Made a few pastoral care calls and hospital visits as needed when Marilyn Evans was away or as requested.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist


2021 - Q3 Pastoral Care Report June to September 2021


2021 - Q3 Ministry and Personnel Third Quarter Report , July 1 – September 30, 2021