2021 -Q2. Second Quarter Report Ministry and Personnel, August 9, 2021

Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, M&P Lead

This has been a difficult quarter, with the work required to implement the budget-related staffing changes.   After the approval of the 2021 sustainable budget at the March Congregational Meeting and the approval of the Office Administration Review recommendations at the May 11 Leadership Council meeting, some members of our staff had to be given working notice.  Rev. Joanne Anquist and I endeavored to provide input to Operations during this process to ensure that all staff were treated fairly and with attention to their pastoral care needs during this difficult time. 

Staff members impacted were our two Office Administrators, Lori Wilson and Leanne Kempt; our Choral Music Director, Krishan Power (who will return in September on a contractual basis); our Children’s Program Leader, Donelle Elliott; and Our Family Ministry Coordinator, Aileen Berridge (who may be continuing in a Family Ministry support role once the new Half-time Minister is hired).

Operations Lead, Joanne Pritchard, and I developed new contracts (to June 2022) for the Contemporary Music Leader, Tanya Wan Lim, and the Choral Music Director, Krishan Power which were approved by Operations in June. 

By mid-June I was involved with other members of the Operations team in developing the process for implementing the transition to our new office administration staffing structure.    Jen Heidebrecht was hired as our part-time Office Administrator and a contract was signed with HB Bookkeeping to provide bookkeeping services.   By early July, we found a temporary Communications Coordinator (Sarah Reuangrith) to take on some of the communications tasks while Shauna is on medical leave.  I arranged orientation sessions for the new staff for mid July.

Our Caretaker, Harpal Chahal. continued to work reduced hours in the second quarter and will continue to do so throughout the summer.

M&P and Operations planned a Staff Appreciation and Farewell Event for July 18 to recognize the fine work of all our staff over this past very challenging year and to specially recognize those who are leaving their positions.   Each staff member received a gift card and the staff who were leaving received a special gift and card.   We also recognized Rev. Bob Mutlow’s 50 years of UCC ministry. Congregational members were invited to write special messages for the departing staff (and Bob) and offer words of recognition and appreciation during the event.   Muffins and juice were safely shared following the service and recognition event.  

Thank you to our M & P Caring Contacts who supported our staff during this time of transition.

We also provided the food for a staff BBQ hosted by Joanne Anquist the following weekend.

I ask for prayers for our departing and continuing staff during this time of transition.   

Peggy Jorgensen

Ministry and Personnel Lead


2021 – Q2. Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –April 2021 – June 2021


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