2021 – Q2. Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report –April 2021 – June 2021

At long last got COVID-19 vaccination (both) during this quarter!


1.       We finished the book study “The Gifts of the Dark Woods” on Easter Sunday.  This was a joint study and sermon series with Ogden United.  It was well attended with participants from both congregations. 

2.      On May 5th we had planned a Red Dress Day celebration and walk through of a display which was set up in the sanctuary.  Women from the church and beyond loaned red dresses for the display.  Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, the event was cancelled.

3.      I was responsible for the Chinook Winds Region Conference worship and helped with planning the Conference. 

4.      Conference was held May 7 through 9.  The Worship planning team included folks from Hillhurst United and we recorded segments there.  We livestreamed the closing Worship service on May 9th from McDougall.  I presided, Vicky McPhee led communion and Jeff Chu spoke live from Michigan.  Allan Buckingham was on the VMix (hired by the Conference) – and our tech crew ran cameras and sound.  We learned a lot from him!

5.      Took Vacation and Study leave from June 15th through July 11th.  One of those weeks was a course at Naramata on empathetic living.  Other study leave resources I reviewed were a course called “Art of the Reach” by Carey Nieuwhof on expanding your impact, as well as clips from the Worship Innovators Conference which was about music and technology for worship.  I also read a book called “Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys” about indigenous spirituality integration with Christianity.


1.       I continue to sit on the Chinook Winds Executive, as well as the David Ferguson Music Fund of Chinook Winds.  This is a commitment of about 5 hours per month.

2.      Meetings with staff continued but on a more ad hoc basis.  Family Ministry met once per month (Rachel, Aileen, Donelle and me).

3.      Continued with Operations Working Group, as well as the Planning Group.

4.      Met with Kelsey Attard on June 1 to review requirements for temporary communications person to replace Shauna Kennedy. 

5.      Working Notice was given to Krishan, Donelle, Lori, Leanne, and Aileen.  Staff meetings continued once per month in this quarter, but the morale of the staff deteriorated, although they all continued doing their jobs with remarkable commitment and perseverance. 

6.     Sat on the committee for Pastoral Care search and 2nd Minister search.  Did interviews for pastoral care temporary position on June 7th.

7.      Rachel was called to the United Church in Drumheller.  Marilyn Evans was hired on a temporary Pastoral Care contract to the end of December, which began June 15th.

8.     Held an exit interview with Rachel on June 10th – had a good discussion about needs of communication.


1.       Ogden United and McDougall United held joint services during Lent.  Good Friday was April 2nd this year.  As COVID restrictions were easing, we decided to have a “Walk Through Holy Week” in the Sanctuary, with hot cross buns and juice outside.  Members of the Congregation were asked to paint a picture of one of the stations of the cross.  Well attended and appreciated by all. 

2.      We also recorded a Holy Saturday service.  Reflections by “characters” of the Easter Story were recorded, as a table was set with the symbols of the season.  Again, Ogden and McDougall contributed to this.

3.      Easter Sunday was also recorded, and featured the same “characters” speaking about resurrection.  We had the added pleasure of a trombone solo!

4.      Krishan and Tanya Continued to lead music teams made of 3 or 4 people, socially distanced and masked.

5.      We began livestreaming services on Sunday, June 6th.  That day we also celebrated 60 years of McDougall United Church as there has been a presence in Fairview-Acadia since 1961.

6.     Rachel’s last service (she preached) was held June 13th.

7.      We recorded the baptism of Parker James Shepherd on April 10, 2021, which was incorporated into our April 11 service.

8.     Recorded a greeting from McDougall for the Chinook Winds Regional Indigenous Service in front of the Reconciliation Tipi  and our Red Dress display. It was streamed on June 20th and it was our service for that day.

9.     Bill Weaver lead the Scholarship service on June 27th.

10.   I prepared a worship outline for most of Sept 2021 – June 2022 so that Krishan Power (who will return on contract in the Fall) can program music more easily.


1.       Met with the family of Phil Wilson (Lori Wilson’s husband) and officiated at a Celebration of Life on August 25th in the evening.  It was livestreamed and recorded. COVID restrictions limited attendance to 20 people.

2.      Officiated at an interment of ashes for Louise Parker (a friend’s mother) on April 26th.

3.      Officiated at a Celebration of Life for Jerome McDonald on May 1st at Choice Memorial (not affiliated with McDougall)

4.      Officiated at a Celebration of Life for Gordon Giles on May 14th.  COVID restrictions tightened so there were only 10 people allowed in the Sanctuary.  The service was livestreamed as well.

5.      Officiated at interment of ashes for Tyler Arnold, grandson of Verna and Frank Arnold, on June 4th.  Also reinterred ashes of his sister (who had died at birth) and his maternal grandmother (who died in the 70s), so they could all three be in one plot.


Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist


COVID-19 Measures: “Moving Forward Cautiously” -August 2021


2021 -Q2. Second Quarter Report Ministry and Personnel, August 9, 2021