Finance Update During these Challenging Times

  • Regular offerings have stayed strong.  PAR givings have not changed and non-PAR givings have only gone down by a small amount.  As usual the McDougall congregation is showing a strong commitment to financing our many worthwhile activities.

  • Rental income is still being received from Janus.  As we are unable to host other rentals we currently are losing that income. 

  • Other income we counted on is currently not coming in or is drastically down.  This includes income from fundraising, funerals, weddings. Gift Cards sales are down from usual please note the Gift Cards can still be purchased. For more information or to purchase Gift Cards online click here or contact the office.

  • We have received our first payment from the Government of Canada 10% wage subsidy which was $2252 for the month of April.

  • In May our total revenue drop (Operating Revenue, Donations to Restricted Funds, and Transfers from the Foundation) is expected meet the criteria to be eligible for the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) which subsidizes up to 75% of an employee’s salary.  This subsidy has been extended to the end of August and will allow us to continue to operate with minimal changes from the current situation while we chart our path forward.

  • If you would like a copy of the revised budget or have any feedback please contact Karen Chow or the church office


Queen Ann Ruler of the Universe


Rudy’s 80th Birthday