Rudy’s 80th Birthday

The quiet serenity of a Willow Park neighborhood was suddenly disrupted on Sunday afternoon by an explosion of loud, raucous sounds.

Ruth and Don D. had found a way to help celebrate Rudy’s 80th birthday. A parade of 22 cars, filled with folks from McDougall, lined up to drive by Jean and Rudy’s home honking horns, ringing cow bells, and generally making as much noise as possible!

After 2 loops around the block we all got out of our cars, maintaining the required social distancing. Larry C. led our car choir, joined by family and neighbours, in an enthusiastic rendition of “ For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow “, followed by “ Happy Birthday.” Rudy said a few words of thank you, and we all departed wearing happy faces.

There are ways to beat this isolation. With some imagination and spirit, we can keep our friendships, and our faith alive.


Finance Update During these Challenging Times


It’s Not the Same as Being Together