Truth and Reconciliation Day – Blanket Exercise and Feast 2022

As we move into September and are that much closer to September 30th, otherwise known as Truth and Reconciliation Day, I thought it would be a good idea to look back at 2022 and share some of the pictures taken at our Blanket Exercise and Feast. Last September 30th, we hosted a Blanket Exercise in Hospitality Hall followed by a feast of stew and Bannock. Everyone was welcome, including children. For those unfamiliar, the Blanket Exercise is a faith-based cultural awareness tool that presents information about the Residential School Experience in Canada and its impacts on Indigenous communities. It was developed by the interdenominational efforts of KAIROS Canada and is helpful in determining responses to Calls to Action for Church parties (59-61).

The experience of participating in the blanket exercise last year, has still stuck with me. Some pretty raw emotions came up and I couldn’t help but hug my children just a bit tighter at the conclusion of the exercise. Not that the evening was depressing at all! Rev. Tony Snow had a beautiful way of presenting the information in a factual and calming way that showed visually the decimation of the Indigenous people while still leaving the attendee with feelings of hope to the future.

Following the blanket exercise, everyone was treated to a delicious stew cooked by Rev. Danah Cox. Lots of discussions happened over dinner as participants reflected on what they had learned.

This year for September 30th, we are excited to participate in a joint event at Fish Creek United. You can see more information here, hope to see you there!

Project was funded by the UCC Embracing the Spirit grant.

Thank you so all the volunteers that helped out last year.

The pictures taken below came from Shauna Kennedy and Sarah Reuangrith.


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