Kid’s Table (Sunday School) Starts Back September 10, 2023

Kid’s table with Rev. Danah Cox will be returning on Sunday, September 10. 

After a summer of planning, Rev. Danah has some really exciting activities planned for the children during Sunday services. As in the past, children should join their parents at the beginning of service. Shortly into worship, they will be invited to join Rev. Danah downstairs to hear a story, and then share theirs in our art studio. 

Parents can feel free to give the kids time to get through their activities, and are even welcome to wait to collect them until noon. That means that you have time to go to Hospitality Hall and enjoy a hot drink after the service before going to collect your kids (or, get them right after service so they can join you). You can get to the downstairs art studio by taking the stairs on the west side of the building and then following the hallway to the art studio found on the east side.

We look forward to seeing you back on September 10th.

To learn more about Kid’s Table please visit the webpage.

To learn about events for families happening in the church, please visit the Family & Community webpage.


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