Homeschool Group - Fall Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the fall session of the weekly Homeschool group. We meet weekly in the Hospitality Hall on Mondays from 11 - 2 pm. If you homeschool or know any Homeschooling Families we would love to have you join us.

As many past attendees have indicated that they are travelling or have appointments that would result in them missing a few sessions, we are changing up our registration process. We want everyone interesting in coming to be able to. New this year you sign up for the dates from our list that work with your family. The cost per family will be $10 per date that you sign up for plus a $20 insurance fee. The caveat here is that we still have minimums each week that we need to meet to cover our rental costs. If we can’t get the numbers we need, we will have to look at increasing everyone’s cost or cancelling a few dates. Please help us out by signing up for all the dates you can and then invite your homeschooling friends to join you. There is a registration form on our webpage.

Fall session will run September 18, 2023 - December 4 (no gathering October 9). Again the start date might be different if you sign up to join us later in the year. The registration form will close on September 15, 2023. At that point you will have to use our drop in / late registration form (more information below).

Each week we will follow this general schedule:

11 am - gather in Hospitality Hall

11:15 am - do a movement activity (lead by a parent)

12 pm - Lunch (bring your own)

12:30 pm - Show and Tell

1 pm - Activity/Craft/Experiment (lead by a parent).

Parents are expected to sign up to lead a movement exercise and prepare an activity. These can be very simple. Some examples of movement activities could include playing badminton, learn a line dance, play freeze tag, parachute games or lead everyone in boot camp style excerises. Here are some ideas for activities/crafts/experiments: pick a seasonal craft, learn about magnets, bring in some board games or do a painting. Play to your strengths and involve your children in the planning and instruction. Once you register you will be directed to where you can sign up for your weeks.

Please note that the cost of the registration doesn’t include supplies. The week(s) you are leading the activity you will need to bring or borrow all the supplies related to it. Alternatively you can ask families to bring things (they must be free and/or items they have at home). For example if you are having kids cut out of magazines you could ask for families to bring scissors and any magazines they have around the house.

My daughter really loves art and wants to take an art class. As there are a number of other kids who have attended past sessions that share her passion, I am wondering if there is interest in doing a private art class. This class would start around 2:15 pm in the downstairs art studio following our Monday session at a cost around $10 per week/kid. Right now I am gauging interest. On the registration form I have asked a question on whether you are interested in more information. As this is for our group, we will be able to tailor it a bit to what the kids want. I have a teacher lined up.

Also on the registration form is information about an optional field trip on Thursday, September 14 to Bow Habitat Station. I am hoping for group rates and a private fish feeding. More information is on the registration form. Make sure you sign up to attend and invite lots of friends. It can be our fun back to school party.

If you are interested but not sure you want to commit to the full session, you are welcome to attend one drop in per session. The cost for a drop in is $15 per family and must be paid the week prior. Once you have come and realize how much you love it, you would be able to sign up for the rest of the session ($10 per week remaining for the rest of the session plus a $30 insurance/late fee). It is important for us to have some consistency in who is attending as we want to build a community. We do understand that you may not be able to attend every week however there would be no discounts for those missed weeks that you signed up for as the room costs the same whether you are in attendance or not.

Hopefully you will be able to join us, it is sure to be a lot of fun!

To learn more about this group, please visit their webpage.

Sarah Reuangrith


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