Refugia (Youth Ministry) March Update

Through the month of March, the group was focused on raising money to do an event. We helped with cleanup for all six Eat, Think, Play events, and everyone had a blast listening to their favourite songs while they worked. We are looking forward to spending the hard-earned money on going to an escape room together.

Our theme of theological reflection for the month of March was power. We talked about the power dynamics throughout some of the history of Israel's monarchy, specifically highlighting how God didn't want the Israelites to have the power of Kingship over one another. Also discussed political power present in our time and the importance of staying engaged in politics through voting, writing our MP's during times of decision-making, and other forms of political activism. Finally, we talked about the power that comes with money, specifically the power that corporations have and how they can use that power to exploit the land and people, and the importance of being a conscientious consumer.

The youth that we have are a great group of kids, and I trust that no matter where they find themselves, they will be resilient, thoughtful individuals who positively impact the people they encounter.

Nik Sloat

Family and Youth Ministry Intern


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