2023 - Q1 Leadership Council 2023 First Quarter report

Although it’s the end of March and the snow remains on the ground your Leadership Council has had a productive first quarter of 2023. During the past three months the council has met twice plus holding our first hybrid Annual General Meeting. We would like to extend our gratitude to Claire Myers, Pat White, and Tara Jorgensen for their dedication and service to McDougall during their time as members of the Leadership Council. At the AGM we welcomed the following new members to the Leadership Council: Margaret Holden-Scott, Leslie Stoddart, and Esther Petersen. 

The Communication Working Group presented a report at our March Leadership Council meeting based on their interviews and surveys. The groups report provided the Council with a number of suggestions and recommendations to enhance the link between the congregation and the work of the Leadership Council. A number of these recommendations have already been acted upon and serval others will be worked on over the next few months. 

During the next quarter of 2023 your Leadership Council will be examining the financial and overall impact of the music leadership roles and youth support worker. These positions have been included in our approved 2023 budget until the end of June and we will need to be reviewed and acted upon in a timely manner. We have temporarily planned a town hall meeting on May 28th following the Foundations AGM to inform the congregation about how we see the impact of these roles to our overall budget as well as look at potential new vision and missions’ statements.

On behalf of the twenty one members of the Leadership Council we appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with you as we make McDougall a welcoming place of worship and fellowship for all. 

Respectfully submitted by Daren Patterson – Council Co-Chair

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Page.


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