2024 -  First Quadramester Report M&P

Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, M & P Lead

  • Arranged for Rev. Bill’s January pay, then put him on our payroll starting February

  • Rev. Joanne was moved back to fulltime, including updating Church Hub

  • Assisted Rev. Danah with his Church Hub changes.

  • Worked on the joint M & P Committee to work on the job descriptions for the ministers and the first evaluation of the project

  • Continued to work on Rev. Joanne’s Pension Buyback.

  • Jerimiah’s benefits issues resolved

  • Worked on discussions with Karina Harris as backup bookkeeper.

  • Establishing changes to our staff’s jobs as we work more closely with Red Deer Lake United

To learn more about Leadership Council please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


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