Reclaiming Our Spirits - Ribbon Skirt Sewing Workshop Summary Part 2

On February 14th, Indigenous participants were invited to McDougall United for the Reclaiming Our Spirits - Ribbon Skirt Workshop. We talked about the workshop briefly in our part 1 blog, you can read it here. In this post, we wanted to share all the incredible feedback that we received from the Indigenous attendees.

Did you enjoy this workshop? What did you like about it? 

“I loved it so much and feel it has given me more  connection to my culture.” — L.  

“Yes I loved it, I painted and made my 1st Ribbon  Skirt!” — anonymous  

“It was fantastic!! What fun. Those skirts were  incredible. The host, teachers, Elders, were so  approachable and kind. Such mentorship. Thank  you for hosting such a wonderful gathering. I will  not soon forget the sharing and creativity of the  activities. ” — K.  

“I thought the workshop was amazing. Having the  Elders helping us made it so special.” — G.  

“I really enjoyed myself at the workshop meeting  friendly people and learning about the ribbon skirts… enjoyed such a friendly atmosphere.”  — E. 

“I am very grateful for this opportunity - thank  you. I am grateful for how patient the Elders and  facilitators were. I want to be a sewer but sewing  

machines are a challenge for me. I would like to  get over that and one day make a Star Blanket. It  was such a gift to be fed such great food, the  bannock and stew and other options, thank you.”  — Laurie  

Would you like to take other Indigenous healing/craft workshops in the future? 

“Yes I would love to take the regalia making one that the facilitator talked about  potentially having.” — L.  

“Yes absolutely” — anonymous  

“Absolutely, please let me know of more.” — K.  

“I would love to be able to attend more workshops and to bring a client or 2 along with  me.” — G.  

“Yes! If the opportunity arises, I would love to make a small hand drum and drum stick.  Perhaps, a beaded barrette or pouch. I would also like to eventually learn how to make a Star Blanket quilt - I have been gathering fabric for this but lack the know how. I  understand that this is a large goal that will take planning and time. I have lots of ideas  but they are trapped in my finger tips - I can't get what I envision onto a page to  explain or plan it or bring it to fruition because I lack the skill. I am grateful for this  opportunity, thank you.” — Laurie  

Do you have any feedback to make the workshop better? (Registration process,  location, content, healing, sewing, painting etc) 

“More sewing machines would be amazing! But all in all, it lacked in no way!” — L. 

“I wouldn’t change much, maybe more machines.” — anonymous  

“We needed sewing machines but that can be planned. Thank you everyone for sharing. ! Can’t say enough how happy I am to have gone to this gathering.” — K.  

“My only feedback is perhaps having more sewing machines so attendees can do their  own sewing if they want to. Other than that, the food was scrumptious and there were  lots of snacks etc. The venue was good. Thanks so much for everything.” — G.  

"I am grateful for this opportunity, thank you.” — Laurie  

We’re glad you were here today!

Below are some pictures from the event.

To learn more about the Right Relations work happening at the church, please visit the Right Relations webpage.


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