Pastoral Care Announcement

At this year’s AGM, Rev. Joanne informed the congregation that she needed to temporarily reduce her working hours to 30 per week.  After discussions with personnel from Chinook Winds Region, conversations with Rev. Bill Weaver and members of the Ogden United board, we are pleased to announce that McDougall has entered into a Secondment Agreement with Ogden for 10 hours of Rev. Bill’s time.  What is a Secondment Agreement?  In a secondment agreement, an employee is temporarily assigned to a different organization or area, for some or all of their time.  In this case, Ogden has agreed that McDougall can second 10 of his hours to take on our Pastoral Care responsibilities that were assigned to Rev. Joanne.  We will make a payment each month to Ogden to cover 25% of Rev. Bill’s salary and benefits. 

Rev. Danah will continue to do his 6 hours of Family and Community Pastoral Care and will be collaborating with Rev. Bill, with Rev. Bill focusing on the needs of the core members of McDougall’s community of faith.  As Co- Leads of the Pastoral Care ministry, they will ensure that urgent pastoral care needs are met. Rev. Bill feels this will work well with what he is doing at Ogden and he really likes doing Pastoral Care.  

This agreement will start April 1 and continue for five months with a potential extension to the end of December 2023, after an August revue with Rev. Joanne and all involved parties. 

We are excited at the additional opportunity to partner with Rev. Bill and Ogden.  If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Jorgensen through the office.

Sincerely, Peggy Jorgensen


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