Opera Buddies - a year long opera discovery program

We are very excited to partner with LINKages Society of Alberta, Calgary Opera and Foothills Academy to help opera find a new audience. Opera Buddies is a year-long opera discovery program that connects participants of different generations in a welcoming social setting while introducing them to the world of opera. Participants can sign up for one or more modules, corresponding with three mainstage shows at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium and two emerging artist performances at the Mamdani Opera Centre. The goal is that participants will make meaningful connections with one another, discover the beauty of the operatic art form, and connect to their own creativity through purposeful activities that awaken their own artistic gifts.

We are looking for seniors who would be interested in participating in this program. Meetings will be Thursday nights from 5:30 - 6:45 pm (except for the days you go to the opera). While some of the meetings are happening at McDougall, not all of them are. You can see the schedule below.

There is no cost to attend 3 of the modules with the other 2 having a very small cost.

You would be welcome to sign up for all the modules or some of them. Registration is coming soon but in the meantime feel free to email Sarah if this is something you want to participate in.

This is sure to be a lot of fun but also a great way to pass along your knowledge to the next generation. This is all inline with McDougall’s overall strategy of “Whole Hearted Senior Living”.

Representatives from Opera Buddies will be coming to the church on October 16th and following the service will be available to answer your questions.

Visit Opera Buddies webpage for more information.


2022 - Q3 Operations Third Quarter Report, July to September 2022


Intergeneration Club Coming to McDougall: Partnership between McDougall, LINKages and Lord Beaverbrook High School