Intergeneration Club Coming to McDougall: Partnership between McDougall, LINKages and Lord Beaverbrook High School

We are very excited to partner with LINKages Society of Alberta and Lord Beaverbrook High School to bring an intergeneration club to McDougall. This club will meet on Friday’s from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. This program runs November through May. We are looking for seniors who would be interested in participating. Lord Beaverbrook will be sending youth to our church and they would like to interact with seniors through discussions, games and activities. This is sure to be a lot of fun but also a great way to pass along your knowledge to the next generation. This is all inline with McDougall’s overall strategy of “Whole Hearted Senior Living”.

Representatives from LINKages will be coming to the church on October 16th and following the service will be available to answer your questions. In the meantime please check out the following information for more information.

There is no cost to attend this program.

Info Sheet for Seniors

Intake Form for Seniors

Please visit LINKages webpage to learn more.


Opera Buddies - a year long opera discovery program


Homeschool Group Coming to McDougall Starting October 17