2022 - Q3 Operations Third Quarter Report, July to September 2022

Submitted by Joanne Pritchard, Operations Lead

September 30, 2022

The Operations Working Group met on Zoom twice in the third quarter of 2022: July 13 and September 15. During this quarter, the core members of the Operations team consisted of myself, Joanne Pritchard (Lead), Danah Cox  (Minister) and Norma May (Treasurer). Mari Croizier joined the Operations Working Group in the role of Convenor in September. Sharing the rotating role of Operations Member-at-Large this quarter were Pat White and Bruce Munro. At the Leadership Council meeting on September 13, a motion was approved to recognize the Property Working Group Co-leads Barrie Clayton and John Naylor, and the Ministry and Personnel  Working Group Lead, Peggy Jorgensen, as core members of the Operations Team based on the importance and regularity of M&P and Property items  on the Operations’ agendas.  Others who brought items to the third quarter Operations agendas included Outreach and Social Justice Lead, Rev. Bob Mutlow,  and Communications Coordinator, Sarah Reuangrith.

This quarter, McDougall’s Treasurer, Norma May,  once again provided clear and informative monthly updates of the church finances for Operations to review. At our July meeting,  Norma informed Operations of the successful transfer of funds from the McDougall Foundation to assist with the cost of capital projects such as roofing repairs and HVAC units and water heaters. In September, Norma informed both the Leadership Council and Operations that the federal government had extend the repayment deadline for the $40,000 CEBA loan to the end of December 2023, so a motion was approved by Council to repay the loan at the end of 2023 (rather than this year) and to invest the funds in an interest-bearing GIC for 14 months. The Treasurer and Operations will oversee this commitment. 

Property Co-leads, Barrie Clayton and John Naylor provided monthly updates regarding ongoing roofing repairs and indoor painting projects. In September John informed Operations of serious repairs needed to the south parking lot asphalt and drainage. John and Barrie have  been researching  the cost of needed upgrades to our outside door security systems. Current estimates are prohibitive and other property-related projects are more urgent at this time. 

This quarter, Ministry and Personnel  Lead, Peggy Jorgensen, brought the fall 2022 musician service contracts for both Tanya Wan Lim and our new Choral Music Director, Justin Macosky to Operations for review and approval. These contracts will be reviewed prior to the end of this budget year, December 31. Future musician service contracts will be dependent on  budget projections for 2023.

Outreach and Social Justice Lead, Rev. Bob Mutlow, reported to Operations plans for using the $10,000 grant received by the church from the United Church of Canada Embracing the Spirit grant program for work in the area of Indigenous reconciliation. Rev. Tony Snow is the OSJ Leader of this Urban Indigenous project. Marilyn Bates is assisting as bookkeeper for the grant funds. Shauna Kennedy was instrumental in the creation of a successful grant application last year. 

The 2023 Stewardship Campaign is being organized by myself, Bruce Munro who has been assisting our Treasurer with budget related matters and our Communications Coordinator, Sarah Reuangrith.  We are working towards having the Stewardship package ready for distribution by October 21. Packages  that are not picked up the church service that week will be mailed out the following Monday. 

Fourth quarter Operations Zoom meetings are scheduled for October 13, Nov.10 and Dec. 8 at 4:00pm. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns related to the operational business of the church.

 Respectfully submitted

Joanne Pritchard    

To learn more about Operations, please visit their webpage.


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