Message from Leadership: AGM Follow Up

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2023 AGM on Sunday, February 26th, either in-person or on-line. During this meeting we were able to accomplish the following actions:

  1. Approval of the 2022 Annual Report 

  2. Approval of the 2022 Financial Statements

  3. Approval of the 2023 Budget

  4. Election of the 2023 Leadership Council members 

We were also informed of the request from Rev. Joanne Anquist to reduce her hours temporarily so that she can spend time supporting her parents. Our thoughts and prayers are with her during this time. Additional information regarding pastoral care will be forthcoming from Peggy Jorgensen our Ministry and Personnel Lead. 

We continue to look for volunteers to be part of the Leadership Council as well as our ministry teams and working groups. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these valuable volunteer opportunities, please feel free to contact either Daren Patterson ( or Joanne Pritchard ( You can also look for volunteer opportunities under the Getting Involved link on the website.

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit their website.


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (March 2023)


2023 Leadership Council