Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (September 2023)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

September News

  • Pride Parade 2023: On Sunday, September 3rd Jean M and Marilyn B attended the Pride Parade. Look who they saw in the parade, Alex B.

  • Feed the Hungry Dinner: This year McDougall is responsible for providing up to 30 volunteers and $3000.00 for the Sunday, October 29th dinner at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall. If you are interested in volunteering click on this online sign-up link. Additionally, we still need to raise our financial commitment of $3000.00. Here’s how you can contribute to this financial commitment. Continue reading on website.

  • 2023 - McDougall Scholarship Report Ending August 2023: On June 25, 2023, eight $1000 scholarships were presented to qualified applicants whose names and church affiliation have been posted on the regular Eblasts. To date 128 scholarships have been presented by McDougall Church since 1995. This year the scholarship was accompanied with a gift of a McDougall coffee mug. Continue reading on website.

  • 2023 - Property Report May - August 2023: Thanks to Degenhardt's, Medhurst's, Clayton's, Myrna Miller, and others, some weeding, replacement of mulch, and planting of flowers was done but more could be done if volunteers are available for seasonal landscaping. Contact John or Barrie if you are able to help. Continue reading on website.

  • Notice of Passing - Rev. Dr. Mark Bedford: It is with sadness that we notify you of the passing of Rev. Dr. Mark Bedford this afternoon in hospice in Penticton BC. Rev. Bedford was minister of McDougall United from 1971-1984. He recently had been diagnosed with cancer in June and had a rather rapid decline. Read his Candle Memorial here.

  • Opera Buddies is Back September 28 with “The Marriage of Figaro”: Opera Buddies has a really exciting year planned. If you have ever wondered about about Opera, you should really consider coming out to see what it is all about. Opera Buddies takes place on Thursday afternoons starting at 4:30 pm in the M&M Room and runs until 5:45 pm. Continue reading on website.

  • Camp Kasota - Fish Creek United Joins the Team: Fish Creek United has joined the planning committee for this years Camp Kasota weekend. We are thrilled to have their expertise on our already amazing volunteer committee. Continue reading on website.

  • Feed the Hungry Luncheon - Update with Pictures: Thank you to everyone who supported the Feed the Hungry Luncheon and used book sale on Sunday, September 10th. Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise $1000! However, we still need to raise an additional $1000 to meet our financial contribution of $3000. Continue reading on website.

  • Kid’s Table is back! After a summer off, Rev. Danah was happy to welcome back all the kids for Sunday morning programming. Below you can see a photo from September 10.

  • 2023 - Ministry and Personnel April– August, 2023: Once again, this period has been busy.  A new contract was written up for Tanya Wan Lim for September – December.  After discussions with the choir and Leadership Counsel, a contract was written up for Justin Macosky as our Choral Music Leader for September – December, 2023.  Continue reading on website.

  • Right Relations Envelopes - Handed Out Sunday: Right Relations is fundraising this month. On Sunday, donation envelopes will be handed out to give you the opportunity to support all the hard work that the Right Relations team is doing. If you prefer to donate online, you can do so through our website. To learn more about Right Relations, please visit their webpage.

  • Having Jesus for Dinner: Immersion in the “good news” - 5 Course Dinner and Discussion: We are very excited to welcome Dr. Levan to McDougall for a special 5 course dinner with discussion. Using his most recent book, Having Jesus for Dinner, community or cannibalism, Dr. Levan will take participants through the experience of sharing a meal with Jesus.  It takes about four hours and five courses. We’ll explore the gospel evidence for eating with Jesus and how his “Kingdom of God” movement was based on shared bread. We will conclude with the challenge: Can Christians reset the table for a new expression of Jesus’ “holy meal”—one suited for our current mission here and now.  Learn more and register on the website.

  • Pumpkin Carving & Hot Dog Dinner - October 21, 2023: We hope that you will be able to join us for our annual pumpkin carving. Families will be encouraged to get creative and then show off the finished product in our pumpkin line up. Learn more and register.

  • Happy Anniversary: Next week, Sunday October 1, there will be cake served after service in the hospitality hall from the Dyer and Perrin families as JoAnn & Nick, and Jan & Doug celebrate their 60th wedding anniversaries.

  • Celebrating Thanksgiving – Ogden & McDougall, “Come Alongside Acadia Food Pantry”: On Thanksgiving Sunday, you are invited to bring non-perishable gifts for the Acadia Food Pantry, or present a financial gift designated for “Acadia Pantry” to buy fresh produce and protein. Continue reading on website.

  • Update from Marjorie M: below are pictures of the pumpkins and a few of the gourds my daughter grew. She has a serious love affair with them. 

    The little girl in the picture is our 2 year old granddaughter.

  • 2023 - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister, Report: January -August 2023 (first 2 Quadrimesters): I realize I have not submitted a report since the beginning of 2023 so this report will cover January through August. I will cover the highlights. Continue reading on Website.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send it your news!

See what happened in August here.


Feed the Hungry Dinner


Shelley Petersen and Kostie Muirhead are Engaged