Feed the Hungry Dinner

This year McDougall is responsible for providing up to 30 volunteers and $3000.00 for the Sunday, October 29th dinner at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall. If you are interested in volunteering click on this online sign-up link. 

Additionally, we still need to raise our financial commitment of $3000.00. Here’s how you can contribute to this financial commitment:

  1. Join us at our Fundraising luncheon and book sale on Sunday, September 10th.

  2. Donate online by going to the church website https://www.mcdunited.com/, click on GIVE, and then DONATE. Once the screen appears click on the large green donate button, then, go to the first drop-down list and choose "Feed the Hungry". 

  3. Mail in or make an in-person contribution marked “Feed the Hungry”.

Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile outreach project,

Daren Patterson

To learn more about the Feed the Hungry Dinner, please visit the Feed the Hungry Page.


2023 - McDougall Scholarship Report Ending August 2023 


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (September 2023)