Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (June 2023)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

June News

  • Thank you to everyone who attended the Town Hall Meeting on May 28th, as well as to the choir members who provided cookies and treats for our luncheon. Continue reading on blog.

  • Learn what Rev. Joanne’s favourite book is and what she does for fun by reading this blog post.

  • On April 30 and May 13, 2023 McDougall hosted a very special two-part Reconciliation Mural - A Community Participation Project. Learn more about the May 13th event and see pictures here.

  • We wrapped up our first year of our LINKages intergenerational club. What a success. Learn more and see pictures here.

  • Ukrainian Festival: Recent Evacuee Andrew C, sponsored by McDougall Church is being hosted by Nick P at a recent Ukrainian Festival in Calgary.
    Andrew had an opportunity to relate in Ukrainian with many of the folks displaying and attending the well organized annual event.

  • Summer Singers is Back! If you enjoyed Summer Singers last year, you are in luck as it will be back again this summer. Learn more.

  • Email blast will go out every other week over the summer. Learn more.

  • On June 18th following the service Jennifer H led AED training for the second time (first one was on May 21). Turn out was good with many members coming to the Chapel to learn how to use it. Isn’t nice to know so many people will be able to help out in an emergency. Photo below is from the June 18th session.

  • It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of John McHutchison in hospital on Sunday June 18th. John had been ill and in hospital for some time. Visit John’s Candle Memorial here.

  • Learn more about 4 of the McDougall Scholarship recipients and their affiliation with McDougall United in our Part 2 Blog.

  • Sunday Service - Video: On Sunday, June 18 there were some technical difficulties in showing a video following Rev. Tony Snow's reflection. We encourage you to check it out here.

  • New Books for Summer Reading: Just in time for some summer reading, we are pleased to welcome some new additions to the McDougall Library. See the books that were added here.

  • Update from Leadership Council: Reporting will now be happening 3 times a year instead of 4. Learn more

  • Learn more about Office Administrator Jennifer Heidebrecht and what she does for fun by reading this post.

  • Youth group wrapped up for the year with a trip to a locked room on June 23. Learn more.

  • Our reconciliation mural is coming along nicely, check out this sneak peak.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. It will be shared with the congregation at the beginning of July.

See what happened in May here.


LINKages Wrap Up - With Pictures


Open Table: Reconciliation Mural Wrap Up With Pictures - May 13, 2023