Kitchen Use Guidelines

On August 31, 2022 a kitchen clean up happened to help get the kitchen ready for increased use this fall. A huge thank you goes out to Marsha Degenhardt, Pat White, Dick Fillo, Peggy Jorgensen, Eleanor Anderson, Nik Sloat and Danah Cox for all their help.

As a result of the clean up, the following list was done up with guidelines for using the kitchen. It would be wonderful if everyone using the kitchen could follow this list:

  1. It is imperative that excess grease, and food stuffs not be rinsed down sink drains, as this has caused endless headaches and costs for the maintenance of kitchen. Please dispose of all food, coffee grounds etc. in compose bins before placing in sinks.

  2. If you used dishcloths, dishtowels etc., please take them home to wash them and return to church as soon as you can.

  3. All food in the refrigerators must be labelled and dated or will run the risk of being thrown out.

  4. Do not store open containers in the refrigerator, including juice and water.

  5. Do not store cream or milk in the creamer jugs in refrigerator as it should be poured back into dated container. Creamer jugs are not to be washed in the dishwasher as this will destroy them. They must be carefully hand washed.

  6. Hand sink is for hand washing only ----- nothing else.

  7. Make sure to shut off and drain dishwasher, shut off all water taps, and turn out the lights as you leave.

  8. Please be conscious of light usage and water consumption in whole church.

  9. Please leave kitchen cleaner than you found it and whatever you used, clean it properly and put it away in proper place.

Thank you everyone in advance for your help in keeping our beautiful kitchen clean and functioning.


Messy Church Wrap Up: September 10, 2022


Invitation to join Healing Pathways sessions